Are there any guys who like to do fun, silly things with their gf’s?
By silly fun things, I mean building forts, having movie nights, playing board games, making s’mores, all that stupid, gushy crap

I can’t remember the last time my guy asked me to do anything even remotely spontaneous or sweet. And before you ask, yes, I’m ALWAYS coming up with fun ideas for us.

There’s no infidelity or weird secrets or anything sketchy.
Everything is pretty healthy apart from the fact that I’m getting bored after 6+ years of having to plan everything and it feeling unreciprocated.
It seems like it would be a trivial thing, but it’s starting to make me feel dissatisfied and like something is missing.

Am I expecting too much from a guy?
Are there guys who even do this kind of stuff with their gf’s?

Sincerely, I want this to work but my passion is fading.

  1. I feel the same way but my gf doesn’t wanna do fun spontaneous stuff like that

    She said it comes down to her “love language “

    It could be something like how guys or girls show love

  2. Every damn day. I never plan anything. Pick a direction and just drive to see where we end up. Sing along to the songs on the radio like no one is watching. Yes there are guys like that, I am one of them.

  3. I (22f) have never been like this at all in any of my relationships. I do like the occasional chess and movie nights but I maybe do this once every 5 months with my current partner. Forts make me hot and I hate s’mores, but the other day my boyfriend and I made a fort because he was cold but my body was halfway out of it so it was good for him, not necessarily so for me. Usually we find very mundane life things fun e.g. cooking, errands, eating, etc. because we make the fun in the moment and enjoy each other’s companies.

    I think you might just be with someone who has a different definition of what fun is, or maybe you haven’t communicated that this is an expectation or a love language of yours that you expect him to meet halfway or prioritize to do so. You should have a conversation with him on what he finds fun as well as communicating to him what you like as well. See if he can meet halfway and reciprocate. When he does show your happiness and I’m sure your boyfriend will appreciate making you happy. If this is important to you though, I’m sure you can find someone out there that enjoys and values these things — however, remember that grass is greener on the other side and if you do this too often, it could also completely lose the fun.

  4. You’re not expecting too much. I’m in the same situation, I have planned everything we’ve ever done. He said it’s “too hard.” It gets tiring, you’re allowed to be tired.

    I don’t know if there are guys out there who plan things or take girls on spontaneous little activities but for both of our sakes, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  5. Been in my relationship for about 7 years and we still try to have fun and make time for each other.
    Board games, movie nights (pizza and popcorn etc.)
    Beach days, hiking days.
    Cycling together.
    Even though we haven’t got a lot of shared interests we still engage with each others .

    Maybe if you both try to learn a new hobby together (after watching queens gambit me and my partner both tried playing some chess together and it was fun (tbh I found it a bit frustrating and boring but still enjoyed it overall)) or baking together or cooking together.
    Find something you can both be passionate about together. Even if it’s a video game see if you can find a co-op campaign to enjoy.
    (I brought my partner into my Minecraft world for an evening and she pretended to like it haha)

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