I have herpes. I don’t know how I got it but I have it since I was a child. To be fair, it’s only the one that causes cold sores. Never more than that and they don’t show very often. Maybe once a year. Should I be worried about spreading it to someone? I know for sure that I should not touch anyone when the sores are present and I am EXTREMELY careful with it. But I am not sure about when the sores are not present. I heard different opinions on it. Some people say it spreads all the time and other people say it will only sread if you have the sores on your lips. I heard that it’s a very common thing so this is why I am asking you guys.

  1. I have Herpes HSV1 also. Got it when I was a child probably by being kissed when the other person had an outbreak / cold sore. A parent, grand parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, neighbor, just about anybody who might pick you up and kiss you without any sexual overtones at all. Just a little loving kiss the baby kiss. It happens and a lot. If you have a break out refrain from trading saliva much less any fluids with somebody. They may already have the virus but it is dormant. 67% of the population is infected with HSV1 or 2. If there are no sores the chance of passing it along is real low. But then again the other person may already have the virus. It’s that common among humans and really isn’t a STI. Like I said gramma might have kissed the baby when she had a breakout and didn’t know any better. A lot of people have the virus and have never had a reaction to it. It’s really harmless except for the cold sores. like I said I’ve had it for decades and it doesn’t bother me except for the occasional sore. Then I refrain from fluid bonding until I’m all cleared up. Not to worry. For more info read this article from Healthline


  2. From what I understand, if you don’t have a cold sore, you can’t spread it. If you have one, I’d just avoid giving oral if you want to be super safe.

  3. You shed a lot _more_ virus when you are in outbreak or prodrome (that period before outbreak) than otherwise, but you can always shed some. Things to think about it:

    * almost everybody has been exposed to HSV-1 by they time they are old enough that you are going to be kissing them on the mouth. Either they have it, or they are probably resistant to it.
    * you have bad case, an outbreak every year, and really, is it that bad?
    * if you are really worried about, your doctor can prescribe a very safe, very reliable antiviral that will make it almost impossible for you to transmit it.

  4. I would like to add that you can give someone hsv1 genitally through oral sex so as stated in other comments, refrain from kissing, oral and sharing cups/utensils when you have an outbreak. Even if you don’t have an active outbreak you can still shed the virus but the percentage is much lower.

    You can also contract hsv2 (what ppl refer to as genital herpes but is the same as hsv1 and commonly causes more reoccurring outbreaks) orally and it will cause the same sores on the mouth as hsv1.

    Over 60% of the population has one of them and that’s just the ppl that have had an outbreak. Some ppl have it and never have an outbreak and have no idea they have it. Very common but should be disclosed to new partners.

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