I have realized recently that most of the conversations I have with women and even other people, I am the one who always has to start it or we could go like 2 years seeing each other everyday but never saying a word to each other.

Why does this happen ? I often feel bad seeing others talk constantly because of my inability to strike up convos and the other person never initiating it.

  1. I don’t know if that’s the best way to think about it. Just imagine that another person has to see (not literally) what’s attractive about you to be attracted. If what’s attractive about you is visual, you’re work is already kinda done for you. If what’s attractive about you is on the inside, you have to figure out a way to show that off.

    Personally all this stuff makes me crazy so I’m just chilling at this point. Best of luck out there!

  2. Most women, especially the prettiest ones, are used being approached so they will rarely start a conversation with someone unless they feel a strong attraction. So yes, if you are not incredibly handsome, rich or famous women will not line up to meet you.

    Who says you are ugly, anyway? You should evaluate the simple ways to look better: accurate grooming, well-fitting clothes, a haircut that enhances your features, maybe get in shape if you are not already physically fit. This will already set you apart from all the unkempt and out of shape men.

    Show others the best version of yourself! Maybe you will not become a hunk overnight but you will become more confident — and women are definitely going to notice that.

  3. I’m shy as fuck, but when women move on me or act forwards I actually find it quite disconcerting!

    Some women are attracted to ‘ugly’ or alternative looking guys. Rather than worry if we are being seen as attractive, its probably more viable to notice who is attracting us.

    The version of reality we were sold by hollywood doesn’t show the risks and fears and resentments needed to be confronted, upon realising we dont just automatically get what we think we want

  4. Most men don’t take a good care of themselves so if you stick to a good grooming and hygiene routine you are above average, believe me woman notice this things for example maintain a clean hair cut ( shave back of your neck frequently) , good oral hygiene, wear deodorant etc and never ever think you are doomed to be unattractive ! This is the first step in my opinion

  5. Yes, learn to accept it, get comfortable and get better at it.

    Societal conditioning is that women don’t approach and that men are expected to take the initiative and make things happen.

    If you want to talk to more women, you have to be the one who initiates in some form.

    Developing your social skills and flirting skills will give the biggest return on investment.

  6. Behaviors>>>looks

    You’d have a hard time say tinder. IRL, it matters much less. Unless you’re elephant man, your looks aren’t the most important factor.

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