i live with one housemate so it’s pretty obvious who’s leaving it as the toilet will be clean, she will use the bathroom then i will go in 2 minutes later and there’s a huge shit stain in the toilet. this has happened many times but i’ve been too chicken to bring it up as i have a fear of confrontation. we are on friendly ish terms and have not yet had anything come up thats this… awkward. she has some digestive issues so that’s probably why but the issue is that i don’t think she knows because not everyone checks afterwards. i need to figure out a way to make her realize so at least she’s aware about it even if she doesn’t always remember. i think i’m just gonna send a text so it’s easier since i have social anxiety but i can’t figure out how to word it without coming off as condescending or rude… i’d just like to make it brief but don’t want to make her feel bad or get defensive… any thoughts?

  1. I made my bathroom all nice and neat, I got a new room mate now it’s permanently trashed. I have no solution for you just sympathy. It sucks. Sorry.

  2. Maybe leave skid marks too so she notices how gross it is LOL? Or get some disposable Clorox toilet bowl cleaners and leave them in a visible spot. Ask kindly if every once in a while or every day if they can make sure the toilet bowl is clean? Thats so uncomfy im sorry. I would say I have a bathroom phobia (I be gagging in public bathrooms so its not a lie) and you would like to keep the bathroom more sanitary since youre sharing it.

  3. Probably best to ask by making joke of it. In all honesty it is pretty funny🤣🤣it’s like embarrassing for the other person idk i can’t help but laugh.

  4. What’s worse is that after she uses the bathroom and unknowingly leaves some poop stain behind, later on when she needs to use the bathroom again and sees the stain, she will likely think that it’s YOU who caused the stain…

    Seriously, why do people always assume that just because you flush once, everything will go away 100%?

  5. You can tell them about their sticky poop and how they have to much mucus in then and recommend them to eat more fiber. ( You know an apple a day keeps the doctor away) Then say something like “so until you blow your butt or the fiber kicks in would you scrub the bowl after use? Latrine would thank you so much”

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