Could be in person/ online!

  1. It varies quite a bit.

    She is messaging me a lot all of the time. She is asking if I am single. She is constantly complimenting me. She starts talking about sex and all the things she likes doing for guys. She asks me what I like in bed. She is constantly trying to hang out with me. Etc.

  2. When her feet is behind her ears at the end of the night. Jk.

    But in seriousness, when she notices things you do or say, and is super interested in getting to know you. Also, a good gauge IMO is to see how she reacts to you in comparison to her guy friends. Like, if she treats you differently and would rather do more to be around and near you as opposed her guy friends.

  3. I wouldn’t know. I’m entering my 40’s and I still wouldn’t know what that looks like.

  4. How close she gets to you. If she’s within arms reach, she might be interested, if she finds excuses to touch you, she’s into you.

  5. As I recall from boyhood: she sends you love notes in class, smiles at you in the hall, sits by you in the cafeteria, waves at you across the gym at the school dance. Strange, though, you’d think this being “ask men” you’d wonder about women.

  6. Does she ask you out? She might be interested. Does she not ask you out? She’s not interested. I don’t care about nonsense of women sending signals or whatever. Concrete stuff.

  7. They keep staring or looking. They drop hints about them wanting to see you later or when they’re going to be available for no reason. They look at you as if they’re expecting you to do or say something. They’ll try to make you notice them in some way, whether it be walking in front of you, or standing near/sitting at a table next to you with their friends and talking or laughing loudly while glancing to see if you’re looking at them.

    These are all things that I’ve noticed women doing to me at one point. I’ve even had a woman in a department store open the curtain to the dressing room while I was trying on a pair of jeans as if she was waiting for me to invite her inside but I’m not that kind of guy so nothing happened and she walked away. I thought it was strange for her to do, but women will be a little emboldened to make moves when they like you and think that you’re down with the idea.

    Edit: Not exactly “tell-tale” but this is just how women act when they’re interested. Rarely ever is it obvious or direct.

  8. She actively tries to spend time with you. Shes happy to do anything with you. She likes you deciding what you’ll do together. She looks at you a lot especially when you guys are laughing (you tend to look at your favorite person when you laugh and are having a good time, especially in groups. She usually dresses up more around you than she normally does in general. She will make herself sound cuter subconsciously. Her body posture is open to you, is comfortable letting you in her personal space, and is usually facing directly at you. She does a lot of small “fixing her look” gestures like fixing/playing with her hair, readjusting her clothes like her top that might show some cleavage to get your attention, etc. She will bring up conversations with you about anything just to talk to you. She will be more hands on and physical with you. She will tease you and give you shit you might not like from time to time to see how you react so you can reaffirm her decision about you subconsciously (testing you, it can be something stupid, usually something emotional, she just needs to know you wont be a punk).

    Online? She talks to you all the time in a flirty/sexual way and actively makes plans to see you. Apart from that there isnt very much to interact with to see signs.

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