I’ve never asked anyone out that way. How do you proceed ? Do you blurt out “hey wanna hang out one of these days” ? Or is there a better way to phrase it ?

I’m really nervous as I’ve never done this before, and I don’t know how to do it without seeming to rush thing, come off as desesperate or needy.

So what are the best ways you know to ask a woman out ? Like, the way the conversation must go, at what point should I initiate the invite ?

  1. It’s good to first build up a rapport before you ask someone out, a woman needs to feel comfortable with you before she’ll consider saying yes to a date. After which, you can ask in normal conversation if she’d like to hang out again, and ask for her number.

  2. Every situation is different. There’s no right way for all situations.

    >hang out **one of these days**” ?

    Never ask out a woman on a maybe date. Always time and place. Let her suggest an alternative time if she can’t make it.

  3. “we should go (insert activity here) on (insert date here).”

    ie. “we should go bowling on friday.”

  4. “I think you’re really cute and fun and I’d like to get to know you better and spend more time with you.”

    For actually setting up a date, “I’d like to go on a date with you, what’s your schedule like?” The “old school” move is to just give a time and date but TBH people have crazy schedules (at least round me, most people work 2-3 jobs so you *really* can’t count on anything) and I find it incredibly anxiety inducing to hear somebody say they’re “busy” and not have any idea if its a an excuse for a no or if its an actual rejection. So, worth just stating the super-objective (that you want to date somebody) and then treating the “when do we have a date” similar to planning to hang out with a friend (i.e. compare schedules in an open ended way).

  5. Usually after a positive conversation, I ask to exchange numbers. After a phone call if we click I ask what their schedule is. The next day I suggest date plans (location/time) over text.

    I’m vetting them essentially to see if I want to offer a date. I live pretty rural so I’m going to have to drive a bit. Having a phone conversation takes away the clunkiness of trying to do all the planning over text and makes her more comfortable with me so she won’t flake on the date. Last thing I need is to drive an hour and a half and get stood up. So far so good.

  6. Have a definite plan for what to do and when, and be prepared to be flexible about the when. Then just ask.

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