I dont know how others feel but I personally have gave up with socializing all together. Idk why but I don’t get fulfillment from talking to others at all. Instead I get annoyed and want to be left alone. I just got back a dinner with others where I didn’t speak at all.

I was asked across why I am I’m being quiet. And my response was that I don’t want to talk at all. I will instead listen to the foolishness. It made everyone quiet but I just didn’t care to spare the feelings. It is what it is. I should care but I don’t care.

Has anyone felt this way before?

  1. Question is does this bother you. Are you secretly feeling lonely, unable to do anything about it? Incapable of connecting to people in practice, even though in theory you’d like to? Then you gotta look for some answers.

    Otherwise, just continue being you. Not everyone needs to be this happy go lucky social butterfly who can talk to anyone and makes everyone feel comfortable all the time.

  2. I’d be careful not to insult my friends while you figure out why you’re feeling this way. Being rude to them for something they didn’t do wrong could isolate you from them even further. This could be a temporary thing or perhaps you’ve outgrown them. But being rude won’t do you any favors. Maybe you’re depressed or maybe you’re feeling frustrated about something else in your life that has nothing to do with them. But telling them you don’t want to talk to them isn’t fair to them. I suspect there is something deeper going on here.

  3. I think you have major clinical depression not normal depression. I know this as I have the same thing… every day for me is a battle of my mind mental torture. Like I would like friends and a GF but With no way of obtaining them. I can go to work and see people who are open to engage with me, people who always say hi in the morning, smile and say my name but all I can say is Hi back, cheers and thanks. It’s like my head is an empty space cut off from a personality or lack of one unable to find the words to engage beyond cheers and thanks. Living like this can feel very lonely even when you’re surrounded by people. Go to the doctors get on some meds before it does some long term damage.

  4. Are you a male? Do you masturbate using pornography at least once a week?

    Masturbation, especially when combined with pornography actually drains your dopamine and serotonin and numbs your ability to enjoy socializing.

    I’m not trying you to stop porn or masturbating, but you owe it to yourself to try this experiment –

    Don’t masturbate or watch porn for 2 weeks and suddenly you’ll yearn for human connection.

    Worth a shot.

  5. I feel like like too man. I always got told if you want loyalty, get a dog. So I did, and after having my dog and tranquility, I realised people just aren’t worth the hassle.

    Maybe go 2 weeks of not speaking to anyone and see if it is something for you. I personally have headphones on when in public and just walk past people trying to talk to me, they get the message real quick.

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