1 (21F) have been seeing this guy (24M) for a while and last time we did it he commented on how I look happy and smiling during sex, I told him it’s only because I’m having a good time and he’s making me feel really good, but now I’m overthinking it and I need an answer

  1. What did he say specifically about your smile? You’re most likely overthinking it, but it helps to know exactly what he said to gauge it

  2. Yes, absolutely. It is completely wonderful to smile and be happy during sex. Feel free to smile and laugh from pure enjoyment, happiness, and joy during sex. It’s natural and healthy, and I bet he loves the fact you do.

  3. I would be more worried if you weren’t smiling, sounds like you’re both having a lovely time together

  4. My last encounter I was hella nervous and she was smiling probably thinking I looked funny being flustered

  5. Abso-fuckin-lutely! Sex feels good… and it’s fun!

    I was recently on my knees, giving head enthusiastically. I looked up at him, he looked down at me. I winked.

    And we lost our shit laughing hysterically.

    Sometimes I laugh when I orgasm. Sometimes I can’t stop saying “thank you” because it feels so fucking good.

    You having a smile during sex is a VERY VERY good sign.

    (just don’t forget that sometimes there needs to be “fuck me like you hate me” vibes on occasion, too, just to be well-balanced)

  6. Ima be fr.

    My first time having sex with my boyfriend and every time after I had the god damn Disney smile on my face.

    I was giggling while I held him and smiling big while he’d kiss me.

    I love that man to infinity and beyond, god damn right I’ll be smiling when I have sex with him.

    (Btw my boyfriend also asked the same question when we were in the middle of having sex. I just explained to him honestly why I was smiling and we continued. He was happy I was so happy and ended up smiling himself. He’s a goofball and I love him.)

  7. You don’t need an answer from people on the internet on how to be happy during sex. Enjoy yourself.

  8. This is something you do that he is not really used to. Commenting on it is a mix between a factual statement and a compliment.

    You smile. He likes that you do.

    Keep smiling. Or, well, keep not thinking about it and do it anyway like you always have.

  9. Yes its completely normal well for me anyways i love watching the facial expressions change and seeing her smile is a huge turn on for me. Sometimes i even like to give her armpit a little tickle just for that smile and the little giggle she does

  10. I’m just sitting here laughing, thinking about all these stern people not smiling at each other, after agreeing to engage in one sex with a curt and gruff handshake

    Smiling and laughing, enjoying yourself and each other is so important. Sounds like you two are having fun together, OP

  11. (24f) Sometimes right before I come I also smile. Just because it feels so incredibly good and I am happy. He often doesn’t see it tho cause we often do doggy lol

  12. I love it when they smile during sex.. they look like they’re in a state of euphoria and gives me reassurance that I’m (hopefully) doing a great job.

    Don’t overthink anything love, keep smiling.

  13. What an utterly ridiculous question. Hey there r/sex, is it okay to be a human being? No? Guess I’ll just stop being a human being then.

  14. Yes. It feels good. He feels good. Smile. Enjoy it. It’s a natural response to pleasureable stimuli.

    Let yourself go. And just tell him how good he made you feel.

  15. You are definitely overthinking this one. It’s fine to smile and have a good time. It’s time spent with your partner. You should be having a good time together. It obviously made him happy that you were happy and he wanted to comment on it. Take it as a loving compliment.

  16. NO!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! You are not allowed to smile, laugh or have any outward signs that you are enjoying yourself!!! What is this world coming to???!!


    ***<sarcasm> of course***

  17. the answer you or anyone should only ever need is, if it makes you feel good and you and your partner has discussed it and you two are ok with it, whatever you two likes, just keep doing it! Stop needing validation from complete strangers online as they do not know you or your partner’s life.

  18. Sex is allowed to be fun and enjoyable! Positive emotions highly encouraged.

    I smile during sex. And laugh. Many of my partners have commented about how I giggle when I orgasm.

    My favorite is when a partner is grinning because of me. Or maybe when they’re grinning and then they change to this ecstasy face because of what I’m doing. Both are so sexy to me!

    It doesn’t sound like he meant it in a bad way, but if someone ever thinks that you enjoying yourself and expressing as much during sex is bad… don’t fuck them lol.

  19. He probably is totally fine just making sure you’re not smiling cuz you’re laughing at him

  20. Is it okay to smile during sex?

    – Yes, yes it is. Sex is fun and when you’re enjoying yourself you smile. I’ve been having sex exclusively with the same woman for the past 16 years (wifed her up 13 years ago). Our sex is sometimes serious, passionate, and intense. Sometimes our sex is fun and silly, we’re laughing and playing and just being fun.

    Most od the time, I think we all tend to overthink things in sex.

    Early in our relationship we defined the types of sex we tend to have in three modes:

    1 – Making love…this is the intense, slow, passionate, deeply romantic, lots of kisses, the world around us disappears, etc

    2 – Having sex…could be silly, fun, just enjoying our bodies. More talkative and silly. Getting an orgasm just to get one. It’s just a fun time.

    3 – Fucking…most of the time this the powerful, aggressive type of sex. Where she is riding me super aggressively or I’m going to town super aggressively.

  21. I’m 35 and I smile all the time during sex. Usually cause I’m having a good time, impressed by something my partner just did, or just realizing how hot this man is and I’m smiling. End of the day smiling is silent feedback. But he’s young, so are you. So he may not know how to read our signals yet, OR he’s really insecure cause he’s new at the game and maybe he’s taking smiling like you’re laughing at his performance? Either way, assure him the smiling is a good thing, maybe pair it with a “I like that” or something to boost him up til he gets there himself

  22. No, the sex laws in every country state that you must frown the entire time and appear as though you are having a miserable experience no matter what and that showing that you’re having a good time is punishable by making you walk around barefoot on a floor covered in lego bricks

  23. For y’all giving her shit, she’s 21 FFS. I know grown ass adults who are awful at sex.

    Have fun, OP!! Smiling is lovely.

  24. what is the point of this question… i mean did u really expect people to respond and say “no, its not okay to smile during sex.”

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