Would it be safe if I got surgery to enlarge myself? I know plenty of people say it’s you who matters not your size but hundreds of posts a day are of people not being ok with the length or girth or wanting a dude to wear extenders. Hell my girlfriend has already asked me again to use it. I’m just down right now. Just how much would it cost and how safe is it?

  1. I don’t know about the cost, but there is a very high risk of erectile disfunction and disfigurement. There are so many complex blood vessels it’s almost impossible to mess with them without causing damage. You’re better off with a working penis than a large unusable ugly one

  2. If penis enlargement surgery was effective then you’d see “hundreds of posts a day” of people talking about how successful it is.

    But you don’t see those posts, do you?

    That’s because the surgery doesn’t work in the way you’re hoping for and you’re also risking making things worse because it’s not really surgery that’s reversible.

    You’re young. You’re insecure. Most people outgrow this and learn to accept their bodies the way they are. If you’re feeling haunted by this, seek a therapist, not a surgeon, to work through why your insecurities feel so out of control.

  3. It’s not safe at all. You’re 18, man… don’t consider irreversible steps that could impact the rest of your life to please a girlfriend you probably will barely remember later in life.

  4. when your girlfriend asking you for a enlargement surgery or a Penissleeve/Hollow Strapon then you know that she makes a compromise in Dicksize to be with you in a relationship. The truth is she(how sensationell) is a woman who like big dicks and when you enlarged your dick then you are her Boyfriend that she wants, but are you the same person or a other person with a bigger dick, which one wants a bigger dick.
    The answer is pretty simple, breakup with her, keep the money for a enlargement and have a good single time.

  5. First, don’t ask reddit for medical advice.

    Second, you’re way too emotional to consider high-risk elective surgery like this. I know that, at 18, you’re not a child and I’m not suggesting that you are. But you’ve still got a good bit of maturing to do–the fact that you’re even considering this is evidence of that. Have you even Googled it? May not work and serious side effects according to Mayo Clinic, which is a reputable source. Looks like it costs about $15,000 out of pocket for you to ruin your dick for life, but that’s just 5 seconds of looking.

    Erectile tissue is INCREDIBLY delicate. Once you damage the network of nerves, vasculature, and erectile tissue, you generally can’t get it working right again. I would say that the risk of erectile dysfunction would be unacceptably high and you’d have a long time to live with those consequences.

    Instead of this cockamamie bullshit, I would get a therapist and work through your apparently crippling insecurity. Then you’ll be able to view sex as an interaction between two people, not an interaction between two parts of two people.

  6. You’re very young, stop scrolling go out and have a life you will realize that’s just a set of emotion towards what you watch every now and then

  7. Try r/gettingbigger first. They have very useful guides on how to increase your size, free of cost or with equipment you can easily and cheaply obtain.

    Personally, I’ve increaaed my length from 6.75″ to 7.2″ since June this year and I’ve been inconsistent with my routine. My girth gains have been more difficult but I’ve increased .1″ on the top 1/4 of my shaft.

    I’m switching up my approach to girth and hopefully i see better results there :-).

  8. To give you a perspective on how much the surgery may cost someone: penis enlargement surgury in Canada ranges from $3000 to about $13,000, depending where the clinic is located.
    Mind you.. there are some well known side effects. So you may need to do some research before you make your decision. See your doctor.

  9. They butcher your penis for a small improvement. It’s not worth doing. Where are these hundreds of posts where the woman wants a bigger penis hence the extenders ?


    We have an entire subreddit dedicated to people who’s partners’ size hurts them if they don’t go to great lengths to alleviate the pain of penetration.

    Some women love big dicks and I hope they all find one. There is no one size fits all approach.

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