The other day I hooked up with a bodybuilder who I’m 99% certain takes steroids, although he hasn’t clarified this I’ve heard rumours and he has the typical signs of a steroid user such as chest acne etc. We had unprotected sex but he put a condom on halfway through obviously before he finished. I’m wondering if the steroids would somehow enter my bloodstream and if I had sex with him regularly if it would affect me.

  1. lolwut. no. 1000x times no.

    Also putting on a condom 1/2 way through, as I hope you know, is NOT safe. You can absolutely get STDs (and pregnant) from precum.

  2. Depends how he is doping.

    If he is using testosterone gel (or anything else that goes on the skin) and does not shower thoroughly before you touch that parts of his skin, there is a risk of contamination.
    If he uses injections or pills there should not be a risk for you.

  3. its your life but think twice about getting too comfortable with people on steriods, that shit can make people aggresive as fuck for no good reason

  4. I take testosterone via injection (prescription, not for body building). Been doing so for getting close to a decade and shay have had unprotected sex with my white doing that entire time. No ill effects on her part. Someone else noted that the jet thing would be how he takes it. Topical could cause contamination, but internal (oral/injection) is as safe as any other drugs.

  5. No. You cant catch steroids. But letting some guy fuck you with out a condom knowing damn well he injects drugs into his body probably wasmt a good idea lol.

  6. Have them wear a condom before he enters you the first time. And no his hormones will not get passed on to you. So it’s STI/pregnancy that you need to protect yourself from.

  7. not to be snarky but please educate yourself on safe sex. if you don’t know basics about STDs, precum being enough to get you pregnant, etc, you shouldn’t be having sex IMO.

  8. Yes, absolutely. You’re lucky his sperm didn’t punch a hole in your uterus when he ejaculated.

  9. It’s hard for you to see this.but please try. As a 13 year old, there are certain things that seem like a huge deal that in 1 year you will realise are not. This is one of them.

  10. As many others have said you shouldn’t really be having unprotected sex with someone you aren’t in a relationship with. The STD risk should be enough to put you off never mind the risk of pregnancy if you aren’t taking birth control.

    I’m in the UK and all the sexual health clinics are begging people to use condoms with hook ups or one night stands, it isn’t common practice in the UK to have unprotected sex with someone you’ve only met once or a handful of times.

    Once in a stable relationship and using a decent birth control perhaps if you were both tested, clear and comfortable with that.

  11. If it worked that way then gym bro’s would be f***ing each other for the gains!

    Also, definitely be assertive with guys in future about wearing condoms. I’m 100% certain the guy knew he wasn’t wearing one and was pushing his luck to see if he could get away with it or not. He would 100% get you pregnant because “it feels better” and leave you to pick up the pieces from a casual fling (not to mention the risk of STI’s). Don’t let guys pressure you with the “I’ve been with X girls who don’t make me do it” or whatever, it’s just manipulative lies to try and get what they want.

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