*First post here, hope this is the right sub!! Will edit if I’ve missed anything >_<*

I (F 24) have a friend (M 24 – let’s call them S) we text a lot, been friends at least 3 years but I think our friendship is becoming kinda toxic? S is quite an open person and shares a lot of stuff (which is fine) but also quite negative/cynical. It started getting a bit much and I felt like I was basically being their therapist (I recently got over some depression so wasn’t exactly good for me either) I told them it was affecting me and they’re trying to change but it keeps happening. He also gets jealous that I don’t share/open up much to him.

I want to cut off the friendship but I feel guilty because S trusts me to share their problems with. I’ve asked S to tone down the depressing stuff and maybe get some professional help, he told me that I’d really hurt him by saying that. I think we might be better off not being friends anymore. Also if I tell S that I need a break he gets upset but will also say things like “I understand if you never talk to me again, you must hate me. You deserve better” etc. We just seem stuck in a cycle :/

Should I just cut this friendship off? They’re a nice person but is this just a really toxic relationship now?

*TL/DR:* Friend is very negative and vents to me a lot. I told them to get proper help or another outlet for it their frustration but that upset them and now they feel like they can’t trust me. I want to end the friendship cos I feel like it’s unhealthy for us both. Is this friendship toxic and should I end it?

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