a bit of background, i am a geek/nerd working in science

when i try to date or hook up or even just meet others, regardless of online or offline (particularly online i guess) i get turned off or lose interests quite easily.

for example, like most others i could be sexually attracted to them by their faces, bodies, outlooks etc. but whenever we start talking, flirting etc. most of the time i jsut easily sense any “mistake” or unsatisfied bit along our conversation and then get turned off straightaway, regardless of how attractive they are…

for example i used to meet a girl from a university and it went well at the beginning, and once she asked me a question about her assignments, which made me feel immediately she’s kinda “stupid” ? or like she let me down for not knowing how to fix that assignment issue etc. so yeh and then i sort of lost quite a bit of interest towards her

online dating is even worse especially all the bs on Tinder etc. like people claim that they like rock or music or whatever but not even know about Beatles… which just makes me feel so annoyed or irritated despite the fact that they might be hot and sexy but i just can’t help losing my interest of focus on them …. well unless maybe we meet straightaway lol

so idk how could i fix this and whether it’s just me a nerd being unreasonably weird…


tldr: a nerd losses interests in others quites easily bc he always finds others being “stupid”…

  1. seems like you’re just being judgmental lol. you can like rock and not be a fan of a band from 60 years ago and you can be smart and have a question about an assignment. i think you just need to lighten up

  2. … This is not a good sign bro… This is a symptom within several of the cluster B personality disorders. May want to check in with the therapist.. like you get almost annoyed when another person talks.. do you need a lot of attention? Do you want to be the center of attention lot? Do you always try to bring the topic of conversation back to you when other people talk?

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