I’ll never have someone who actually gives a damn about me, I ruined it by becoming fat and not confident and a bitch. I’ve been up for 40 hours probably cause I can’t sleep, thinking about how I’m gonna die alone and it’s all my fault. Im trying my best to put myself out there but nothing works, I’m hopeless.

No one reads this anymore but I’m not a bad dude or creepy dude. Just one who’s got shitty lucky and finds the possibility of death more interesting everyday. Please just give me a hug, I’ll never get one from anyone I care about especially never a significant other

  1. Hugs brotheren. If you need good advice or just a very good friend I’ll be willing to give time to listen. Just do not expect me to respond with a long response every time though. Sometimes assurance is best when needed.

  2. I had a hug need not that long ago myself.

    ((Hugs)) someone recently taught me that kind

    And 🫂 there’s a that hug for ya

    And 🤗there’s a that hug for ya

    Hang in here Op 🙋🏻‍♀️

  3. just because you’re fat doesn’t mean you’re not loveable. also, weight and confidence are things you can influence, so don’t give up :). in some cases it’s harder/not possible because of medical conditions but i assume that doesn’t include you because you said “you became” fat? being bitchy can have a lot to do with your mental state you’re in. the fact that you are aware about your bitchy behaviour, shows that you reflect about it which is the first step to improvement :). and also, it’s okay to not always be in your best mood. that doesn’t mean you’re overall a bad person. try to get some sleep and maybe find a gym buddy for more motivation. but i think working on your self confidence is more important. there are a lot of youtube videos on that topic! please don’t unalive yourself, i am sure you are still young and have plenty of time to find the right person for you <3 hugs xx

  4. My man, I know you didn’t ask for advice. Please consider therapy. It’s a fucking godsend. I’ve totally been in a similar position/mindset. Slowly trying to get out of it. Just please push yourself to consider it as an option and take it from there yeah?

  5. Hey dude, a good tip for weight lost is doing jump rope, you can start by doing just 10 jumps, each day add 10 more jumps till you get to do 100 continued jumps.

    You’ll see how quickly you start to lose weight, this helped me trough my depression. I was also fat and depressed but jumping the rope help me mentally because that’s what exercise do the the brain.

    It helps a lot, I can do 2000 jumps now everyday and it really helped me mentally and phisically.

  6. Hugs!
    Please talk to your doctor and ask them to check your thyroid function. Thyroid issues are super, super common and can lead to weight gain, depression, anxiety and personality changes like irritability, short temper etc.
    Also, talking to a therapist might be good for you, too. I promise that life has the potential to be good, no matter what weight you’re at.
    Stay safe, please. Despite what you’re feeling right now, you’re too important to not exist anymore.

  7. I was in the same boat as you until I went to jail stayed there for 3 months and left don’t ever want to go back so I started working keep myself busy ND when I was in jail I learned we all the same we all take a shit we all take a shower we all have genitals we all have to take care of our hygiene we also fart we dress ourselves we Ll got problems I handle more each day I use to lay in bed all depressed and lonely now I keep busy… so here’s my HUG FROM ME …..

  8. The thing about life, if you don’t give up, it can get better and worse. Take it one day at a time. Set yourself small goals. Expect setbacks. Expect days full of sunshine and joy. I know in my situation I’ve come back from almost rock bottom. You can do it. Bit by bit! Much love

  9. Someone is talking about death seeming more alluring than life and ya’ll tellin them “Go workout” when Ray Charles can see how defeated and riddled with regrets they are. Ya’ll should be ashamed of yourselves and hopefully none of ya’ll feel this Low.

    Op,seek therapy for your mental health first and then perhaps you can get to working on your physical health. I hope everything works out for you 🤗🤗🤗

  10. Have you considered therapy? I was in this place a few years ago and severe depression distorts your thoughts. Also look into childhood emotional neglect and r/CPTSD. Once I read more about these, I started to understand my feelings better.

  11. If u wanna loose weight I’d suggest trying intermittent fasting and keto. Worked wonders for me. But loosing weight alone won’t solve ur depression or how u view urself, at least not when ur that deep in depression.

    Trying using positive affirmations to make urself feel better and try to figure out what it is ur doing wrong when trying to socialize. It may not seem like it at first, but there are specific things that u need to do in order to be successful socially. Look up top 10 behaviours that make u look awkward on YouTube. It’ll get u started somewhere at least.

  12. Hugs to you, dear internet stranger. 🤗

    Read what the others have said. Have faith and your life will improve.

  13. Hey buddy come on bring it in here (digital hug 1. 2..3 secs…more if needed) I care about you and I’d hate for any of my humans to feel as if they are alone in the universe. 8 billion people and all we want is to be truly loved by one.
    Death will wait for us, this is the only realm where we get to be conscious of our self- being. I wouldn’t waste it. In the end everything will be okay, I promise.

  14. I’m giving you a hug cuz I certainly need one right now as welll my friend. Don’t give up I’m in the same boat and it’s hard really hard for me but it’s not like giving up is the right choice or decision to do it’s harder to get up and get back to where we want to be and it starts with the belief that it’s possible to do better and be better and in time anyone can be happier and more successful but they have to be willing to take the risk of it all

  15. You should watch caring/comforting/personal attention ASMR on YouTube — it’s great for me when I feel this way.

  16. I can feel your pain dude. I’m also going through a similar situation. But don’t lose hope dude. If you feel lonely or depressed always remember that you have a friend here on reddit. Feel free to DM me anytime. Sending you lots of virtual hugs . Stay strong buddy

  17. You know what’s so funny. I bet if I saw you irl, I wouldn’t think of you as someone who is worthless or can’t do anything right. I’ll just see you as another dude out here trying his best. That’s what I think of EVERYONE I encounter.

    Everything you listed sounds %100 mental. Many of our insecurities are deeply hailed secrets we think people can see clear as day when they can’t.

    Don’t try to put on a mask or pretend to be something or someone you are not. Being YOU is your best play you will ever play in life. But being YOU can also be difficult, because no one but YOU can truly understood who you are. So get out there and stride toward progressing toward who you want to be!

  18. Sending hugs. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and all consumed with your own faults. Have you talked to a doctor? I know it’s not for everyone, but getting on antidepressants changed my life in a positive way. I was no longer stuck in the cycle of overthinking and freaking out and I finally stopped crying myself to sleep every night. I know it’s not for everyone, but it could be an option. And if you’re not about it, have you considered a therapist? Once you find a good one, they are a godsend

  19. Hey man, sending you some hugs from Birmingham, UK… You will eventually find someone, trust me. I do believe in the saying, There’s someone for everyone.

  20. Being fat is not permanent. It’s possible to loose weight. My friend was over 100 kg at 13 years old. Now he is 20 and he looks like Hercules. Biggest guy in the gym. When he told me he was fat I was impressed asf.

  21. Work out every day for a year and eat well. You’ll feel better physically and mentally which will boost your confidence and make you more attractive. You’ll feel less bitter and resentful and will find you get on easier with people.

    I know that sounds facetiously simple, but I guarantee you, you will feel better.

  22. I’ve read though your post history a bit… here’s what I can tell you: it’ll get better and it’ll get easier. A quarter life crisis is a real damn thing in my book. ESPECIALLY during grad school. I was at my worst breaking point when I was in those shoes. It’s been nearly 20 years now and I can tell you that while the road has been bumpy, it has evened out a bit and I’m costing relatively well now.

    Don’t be rash about your choices on the “Bridge” – yeah I saw that post too. Realize that you have worth – even if you don’t agree or if you don’t see it. It’s there. You’re on the planet for a reason. Keep grinding at school – how much is left?

    Honestly the desire to do better is the spark inside you that will help you keep moving forward. Remember to be kind to yourself – realize that when you’re in a tough spot, a lot of people have been there too and you can and will get through it.

    Sending you hugs. It’s not easy to be in your shoes. It’s fucking hard being a grad student, living alone, not really knowing WHO you are yet and also not being the weight or shape or size you want to be. I have been here and I see you.

    Recognize that you are indeed needed here – maybe you don’t believe me now but give it time. A long time will go by quickly.

    Also, see someone for therapy. I can tell you that my seasonal affective disorder really showed up in grad school too – in Canada where the sun set near 3:30. Maybe you need medication. Ain’t no shame in that.

    It’s gonna be ok. You are gonna be ok. You have all my virtual hugs tonight.

    Get sleep, rest well and let yourself feel a little peace tonight. You deserve it

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