The one social thing i absolutely can’t wrap my head around is wanting to meet/be friends with celebrities or other people you’re a fan of. Why? You probably won’t even have anything in common – especially if they’re rich, it’s not like you’re gonna get any tangible benefit like money from them either… I thought it might be a desire to tell them you like their content or whatever, but they probably hear that everywhere so why would they care, yknow? I went to a voice actor meet and greet once and it was just awkward because clearly i don’t know them and they don’t know me but we’re expected to make conversation anyway. I just don’t get it.

Basically, this is a phenomenon that doesn’t make sense to me, so if it makes sense to you (you want to meet people that you’re a fan of), can you explain how it makes sense? like your mental logic behind it or whatever

  1. Leading off with he opinion that meeting celebrities is lame (not your words the the implication here), then asking people why they would want to meet a celebrity is not a great way to get information. It comes across as condescending, which is probably not what you meant. I think a better focus would be to ask that question in a positive way. I.e. ask a friend “what celebrity would you want to meet?” Wait for their answer, then ask “Why?”

  2. I don’t get it either. Also don’t get how anyone would want to be famous. Sounds like absolute hell.

  3. I don’t have any active desire to go out of my way to meet a notable human, but there are some that it would be cool to get a chance to….

    For instance there are various musicians, live or dead, that think would be really awesome to trip with. There’s others I’d like to have a beer with. Some I’d like to share a joint with. Others just momentary random mad rambling. Just as a brief example.

    Purely for discussing shit on a real level without fame or fandom, a few minutes, a few hours, whatever. No pics, no autographs, no bullshit. I like interesting minds.

  4. I agree. I always see the meet and greet tickets for bands I go see and, not being a musician myself, I couldn’t imagine having anything to really say to them.

    I guess it’d be cool to have a quick run in with someone I was a fan of. A quick handshake, maybe a picture. That’s more than enough for me.

  5. Maybe they just want the celebrity to know that they exist?

    Because it’s weird when you feel that you’ve gotten to know some favorite writer or artist or whatever, someone who produces something that they put a lot of their personality into, that they don’t even know you exist while you feel like you know their soul.

    I have that relation with a writer i admire and whose columns i’ve been reading for years, i’ve read most of his books as well. He always shares a lot of things from his personal life in his writings, so i feel like i know him quite well by know. So it’s a bit sad when you think that they’re completely oblivious about your existance and will always be.

  6. I thought about this yesterday, and I likened it to catching a rare Pokémon: to be able to say you’ve done it, or to tick the box and move to the next one.

    I’ve got lots of autographs from racing drivers I’ve seen in the past, but part of me doesn’t see the point of doing even that anymore.

  7. I’m sure there is a psychological reason for it, but I’d say it is similar the same reasons people want to see ancient rocks at the museum, or art work in an exhibit. You could also compare it to driving thousands of miles to see a solar event. Even if you can’t interact with something, or have the option to see pictures online, it’s more exciting to see whatever you are enthusiastic about in person.

    I’m going to have to agree that this post, and many of the comments, do come across as condescending, as if people who have a niche interest in famous people need to justify what brings them joy anymore than anyone one else.

  8. I met Anne-Marie at a CD signing and tbh it was awkward. All her super fans who had met her before went in front of me, I was on my own.

    I just said hi, apologised for being nervous and got some pics together. She was super lovely but I wouldn’t do it again.

  9. I used to but since last year nah I don’t anymore. Celebs part job is to keep a clean image for the public, you will never know how they truly are, some can do horrible stuff behind yet pretend to be nice and everything and the public eats that 💀

    I can like whatever they do but dont understand those that go crazy (defensive,
    & delusional) or wants to meet someone they really don’t know (stans) mostly if they are above 25 years old.

  10. When I meet a celebrity at a con it’s almost always because they were a part of something that means a lot to me or got me through a hard time. My only goal is to just thank them and tell them what their work means to me. They are people like the rest of us and who doesn’t like hearing that the effort you put into something means something to somebody.

  11. I’m not big into fandom, but there are a select one or two people that I weirdly think I’d vibe with if we could ever occupy the same space. Odds are that we won’t, though.

    I know a lot of people use media of all kinds to get through tough things. If a musician or comedy or actor helped you through some dark shit, you’d definitely want to thank them for that. I think there’s nothing wrong with connecting to another person, even if they’re a celebrity, and letting them know that what they do means something personally to you.

  12. I don’t know what the big fascination is either. If I seen Mark Wahlberg walk by, I’d look and wave, or nod. And If I was to talk to him. I’d talk to him like a human.

    I don’t care about autographs. Maybe a photo. That’d be cool. But it’d be the last thing I asked.

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