So update to previous post: I \[M20\] asked the girl \[F22\] out for a coffee (who initially wrote to me without me giving her my number directly) after initiating small flirty ( I must add a bit playerwise/cocky) texting for 2-3 days.

She said that she was busy on the day and this week in general without offering any alternative dates. I played it cool and texted her less frequently after that. I would actually just end the conversation and see it as a loss, however this girl did/does a thing I have never seen.

She writes thorough and long paragraph responses to each of my arguments/quirky questions so for the small chance of she just being temporarily flaky I carried the conversation from my end since she always gave me material to work with without actually putting end to the conversation. The response time had been dramatically long so I just thought of disinterest but she told me at start that she isn’t a big of a texter and apologised since “she is always like that and her friends complain about it also”…

I just wanted to ask her out again to put it to an end for good but today she replied to me saying “It is becoming a problem that I don’t know you well enough” with “Then it is probably now in the 1st step to talk more in the university, right?🙈 But actually I’m already talking there almost consistently always and annoy people with it already😅”

I think the reason for her behaviour is that she is either too inexperienced (which is probably true) and wants to take it slow (because I might have accidentally blew my chance in the past see previous post for that), or she wants the ego boost (which I don’t think is true because she doesn’t have that bitchy character) or she wants to keep me as an option.

1 comment
  1. > “It is becoming a problem that I don’t know you well enough”

    IMO that’s a great thing to follow up by saying something along the lines of, “want to grab coffee again sometime and continue <discussion topic>?” Whether or not this person is just looking for friends or a relationship is completely unknown, but I’d hedge my bets on the former. Try one more time and just see how it goes- and it’s worth saying it’s not annoying here and there. If you like the long texts, all the better. A way to tell her you like talking to her.

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