Ive noticed that sometimes I do stand up for myself really good but other thing I just let kinda happen even though I don’t prefer it. It seems like it’s mostly in the heat of the moment. I will do really good but for some reason with other thing I don’t. I let it happen because I thought it wasn’t a big deal. Even though it was for me.

1 comment
  1. Could be a few reasons.

    Confidence in oneself naturally wavers, so sometimes it’s higher, other times it’s lower, and that can be due to a multitude of personal reasons.

    It may depend on what the confrontation is about, how vulnerable it is, maybe you feel less secure about a particular relationship and fear the confrontation may damage it when you don’t want that, etc.

    When it comes to boundaries for example, you may have stronger clarity for some of your boundaries than others, so to uphold ones you’re less clear about or haven’t actually identified, it can be a lot harder or scarier.

    I’m similar with confrontation. Some stuff I can hold my ground no issue, other things can make me crumble at the thought of it, and I do let things slide that I’d rather not. For me it’s been helpful to think on stuff that ive let happen that ive been less than okay with, and try to find the root of why I wasn’t okay with it, and why I didn’t do anything about it.

    Idk if this helps really but just my 2 cents

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