So some “friends” i hang with in school are always talking down on me like saying that I’m a idiot, tells me to shut up when I say something and saying that they hope I die. And I have noticed that they don’t say that stuff to each other, I never know how to respond to it, I just answer with like “me too” or “you shut up”
But that doesn’t feel enough of an answer. How should I respond to them?

  1. Work on your self-esteem, learn how to assert your boundaries so that other people know what you will and won’t tolerate. If those friends continue with the abuse even after stating your expectations, then stop hanging out with them and find better friends.

  2. Work on your self-esteem, learn how to assert your boundaries so that other people know what you will and won’t tolerate. If those friends continue with the abuse even after stating your expectations, then stop hanging out with them and find better friends.

  3. This sounds like immature trash talk to me. The real solution is not to associate with them, which is often easier said than done. You could also have a talk with your guidance councilor and see what he advises you to do – which, unless things have changed, won’t do you much good.

    The solution that I’ve seen work is to learn how to box. Find the local gym and take lessons. You’ll get into better physical shape and you’ll eventually have a skill that will stand you in good stead the rest of your life. After you’ve studied and sparred for a year or so, call your tormentors out to the gym. Fight them one at a time and take care of business.

    And, by the way, DO NOT tell anyone you’re studying to become a boxer.

  4. Don’t respond. If you do,you are giving their worda power. Just give them silence and live your best life with people that value you.

  5. Those are nasty things to say, not words said by good friends. Kick them to the kerb and go make better friends with people who have good character.

  6. Maybe have a chat with them individually to see in case they’re “joking” (even though it’s not very funny) and tell them how you feel about it. If they fail to stop then I guess you should try opt for new friends, as it would prove what kind of people they are to you.

  7. PLEASE stop hanging out with those people. They’re not your friends. And they will ruin you & your self esteem & confidence. I had an ex talk down to me like that and my personality has changed A LOT in a negative way because of it. Get out of that while you can.

  8. Don’t hang with these people. Don’t interact with people like that

    But if you do wanna say something back say something like “Okay, I’ll do that. But do understand that when i do i am taking you with me”.

    If they ask what you mean with that, just look them in the face while having a little smile on your face, say nothing and calmly and confidently walk away. They hate that

  9. i had friends that don’t respect me once ,i was too young and their interests were too different from mine .like they talk about things that I don’t care about and if I tried to talk with them and trying to pull them to my area to my interests but they thought that my interests were silly and stupid , but i was too young and i think then that “ i want group of friends around me like other people because I don’t want to be like weirdo’s who’s lonely all the time “
    I was telling myself that cus i was too afraid to be alone..and believe me after 4or five years now ,im alone because my choices was so wrong and bad ..and im lonely but this time I don’t give a shit.. i have one bestie or two and that’s enough,and if i will make new friends i will pick a good people this time because believe me it was so hard to be with this toxic friends

  10. Id stay away from them if i could. If i couldn’t, i probably wouldn’t just respond, id initiate. Like what they are doing to you.

    Someone in the group speaks, learn to find something to say that gets on their nerves and say that. Give them a taste of their own medicine. If things get violent, be prepared to fight back.

    It’s immature for sure, but if you couldn’t avoid their nonsense and had to endure that all the time, why not you be the asshole for once. Show them that youre not someone they can mess with.

  11. In life you get what you put up with. These negative ‘friends’ arent worth hanging around and you deserve better.

  12. >how do I respond to this?

    First and most important, stop hanging out with them. I know that as a teenager all attachments look better then nothing, but I guarantee you are not doing any good with yourself by hanging with abusive people. You will find better people.

  13. Stop hanging around with them.

    I used to surround myself with people like that even when I knew it wasn’t right because I had no one else & didn’t want to be a loner but it’s better to be a loner than to let someone else dictate your self worth. Trust me. Cut them off & don’t let them dictate your self worth anymore.

  14. Sincerely, better being alone than with people like that. They are making you every day more miserable. Forget them and never look back. I wouldn’t be surprised that you’re desperate for affection bc your family and your “friends” suck and give you a hard time. But that’s no friendship at all, that’s bad company. Don’t hangout with them, otherwise nothing will improve.

  15. Uuuummmm….friends??? Do you really need to be told that those are not friends? Do you really? Stop approaching them, stop trying to talk to them, stop inviting them. I bet they’ll drop right off.

  16. Quit hanging out with those people! Cut them out of your life completely and don’t give them any explanation why. They can figure it out for themselves.

  17. Stop hanging out with them. Better to just be in your own till new and better friends come along. Better to be alone in peace than with people who want to make you feel bad

  18. My best advice is to stop hanging with them even though it will be hard to be on your own in school but theres always the chance that you will make better friends. The petty in me says to give it right back to them. Insult for insult diss for diss. Some people pick on those they deem weak and those “friends” see you as weak. Show them that you are not. Every time they tell you to shut up keep talking, when they say your stupid say it back to them. People will do what you allow them to do. If you don’t speak up for yourself they will walk all over you.

  19. Walk away. They are not your friends – you can find your crew without these jerks. Nobody should tell you that you should die or that you’re an idiot. That breaks my heart.
    Even if you don’t find your crew at school, you’ll find them in the real world (which is nothing like school). Better to sit alone than to sit with them.

  20. Darling you need to find yourself a new social circle at school. All they’re doing is stepping all over your self-esteem. Nobody needs that. They are not your friends. Friends do not treat each other that way. You are much better than that

  21. They’re not friends – they’re saying those things because they don’t like you and _want_ to be mean to you. They think bullying you is fun, and they don’t care that you don’t like this. That’s not a friendship.

    Avoid them, and if you must, say something among the lines of “you’re always so mean to me, and I don’t want to be talked down to like that.”

    It’s kinder to be alone than be with someone who just wants to hurt you. A way to make (better) friends is join clubs or similar things in your community to interact and get to know people. That’s what friendship is based on – 2+ people who enjoy spending time together, and a hobby is a great way to do that.

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