I am so confused..lemme come straight to the point.

It was my birthday on Sunday and none of my friends remembered and wished me birthday wishes though I have a lot of friends and even my close friends (we are a great gang of 10) seems like they collectively forgot my birthday. I know and I’m aware that not everything is about me so I didn’t take it seriously.

And Monday i was still confused but i wanted to make things normal. So I still went to talk to them. They didn’t care about me. I said it was my birthday yesterday and they didn’t care. I even offered them a post birthday treat
to make things right but they denied my treat.am i really the bad one here

Today is another friend’s birthday and all of my friends are so excited for her.they are wishing her birthday right from 12am and giving her gifts .I am happy for that other friend but i am more worried about myself now.

I am not the cool girl that everyone talks about in college.
But I’ve never been a dick to anyone. I always make harmless jokes (the jokes are even around me making fun about myself) and i always helps everyone. This never happened to me in previous years. I just joined uni a year ago.

Am i the worst human being who doesn’t deserve anything? It feels like I’m not enough for anyone’s friendship.

Please help me i can’t sleep thinking of this….

1 comment
  1. Those are not your friends. I am sorry. I know how it feels to want to have a real connection with your friends, family, crush, etc. and not have that reciprocated. But look at the facts. No feelings, just facts. It’s better to live in the reality of the relationship than the fantasy. I’m not sure it’s fair to call anyone a bad person or fake, but they’re definitely not your tribe. It may be a slow process, but when you find your real friends, you’ll feel the difference.

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