Hey to anyone reading this of you can plz give me some advice I’m 19y and I’m lonely I truly have no friends and I want to make them but I don’t know how. I don’t know how to talk to people or how to start a conversation and when I speak to people I feel like I am bothering them plz can someone one help me plz like how do I talk to people and make friends

  1. Do you have any interests or hobbies that there is an in person community you can go to?
    Having a common interest helps start conversations and break the ice.

  2. I used to be like this as well. Tbh in order to get over my shyness and loneliness, I started going out by myself to malls, restaurants, even walking around a downtown area or going to a park by myself. Bring a book and some snacks with you and just chill in public. This will give you more confidence and security within yourself. Once you’re comfortable with yourself, I promise it’ll come easily. Do you work or go to school at the moment?

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