Can a woman reach orgasm and not notice it?
I’ve heard once “Maybe you did have an orgasm but you didn’t know”. And in my mind it is impossible to believe it, at least from my orgasmic experiences.
Is it possible or do these women never experienced an orgasm?

  1. I(F) can have different types of orgasms, sometimes the are very soft and not that good. I think that maybe this can happen to other women too

  2. Yes. When I first started masturbating, I thought I couldn’t orgasm. It was almost a year before I realised that brief feeling of pleasant relief I’d reach at some point that would “quench the thirst” was, in fact, an orgasm. It just wasn’t that earth-shattering, toe-curling, soul-travelling-to-another-dimension type of orgasm that other women kept telling me their orgasms felt like. That’s why it’s so important to give people realistic expectations and recognise the diversity in their experiences.

  3. Yes. I knew nothing about actual sex outside of the basic stuff like identifying parts and that penis in vagina makes baby back when I first started having sex. Plus I’m a girl and the person I was having sex with was also a girl. For the first few weeks or month I didn’t know that I was orgasming. I just thought “oh, that felt nice”.

  4. If a woman is conscious, she will be aware of it. But she may not know what it was, i.e., she may not know that what she had just experienced was an orgasm.

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