I (26m) ‘ve been seeing a girl(26f) for months. We broke up once and after a couple months started seeing each other as a friend. I’ve never stopped thinking about her and my initial thought when I started seeing her again as a friend was just to be close to her even without any relationship. I didn’t want to lose her. Things went well and we got closer and closer. I had feelings for her but couldn’t tell her, cause I was too scared to freak out and lose her. Last night she told me that she’s been thinking about me too and wants to be in a relationship with me but she needs to take it slowly and I completely agree with her. Then I started to express my feelings about her. She told me that she loves me but I couldn’t say it back to her even though I fuckin love her. That happened in my car, after that we went to my place, had dinner and watched 2 movies, at some point I felt she wanted to be closer to me, maybe a huge or kiss but I didn’t do anything. She doesn’t talk too much. I’m just guessing but couldn’t think about that I’m a shy piss of shit person that let the girl of his dreams down. I’ve never been in a serious relationship and I don’t know when it is the right time to do things like the first kiss. I overthink everything. Im Always thinking about whether she wants it too or not, and in the end I don’t do anything. I feel awful

1 comment
  1. i think it’s best if you tell her how you feel first so she knows you love her back at least to reassure her and you’ll know when it’s the right time the look and body language if not then asking her if you can kiss her isn’t a bad option but i would go off body language but communication is key

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