Me and my ex broke up about 2 months ago. She called me 5 in the morning crying 2 weeks after telling me how she missed us. I gave her a chance. She screwed it up by randomly ghosting a day later telling me
“she does not want to talk to me right now”
so i said im out, and she didn’t even bother texting back. now she texted me today at 6 am, saying:
‘Hi, this is ….. Not sure if you still have my number. I know you’re angry with me, and you have every right to be. But I’m taking another pregnancy test tomorrow, I haven’t had my period since you and my tests before have come up negative but something is clearly wrong. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me but I wanted to let you know because I don’t feel good and you’re the only one I want to tell. I promise I’m not trying to reel you in or anything like that. I haven’t been myself in months and when I’ve been hospitalized all I kept with me was our pictures. I’ve been thinking of us since I got home a few days ago again and all I can think of is how you’ll be home in a few weeks and all I want is to see you. But I’m also really worried about this, I either am pregnant and I don’t know it or god forbid I was and I’m not anymore and my body is recovering. I feel broken.’ haven’t responded yet and don’t know what to respond as i want to be harsh and tell her to fuck off but you know what’s up.

  1. Dude run don’t walk away from this girl. She’s toxic as all hell and manipulate and crazy as well. Maybe just ghost her since she likes to do that to you.

  2. Block this fucking train wreck and run. If she tries to pin a baby on you get a pregnancy test and let the lawyers and courts do all of the work. Fucking avoid this woman. She’s going to destroy your life if you keep her around

  3. Lol, she’s a nutcase who admits herself she’s been hospitalised for mental illness. She’s totally trying to reel you back in with a fake pregnancy scare. Run, and run fast!

  4. Okay I was believing her till the end, she’s creating drama to try and gain sympathy and attention from you.

    If her pregnancy test was positive, she would have said it. If the test was inconclusive she would’ve gone to the doctor immediately to get a blood test to confirm. These are logical predictable steps a normal sane person would take.

    TLDR: She’s BSng.

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