Hey y’all hope your day is going well, so I have a problem that I needed some advice for. I’m conflicted on whether or not I should tell my new partner that I’m a virgin? I personally don’t care too much about what people thing etc., but I just wouldn’t want to lose out on this chance. Yes, I know I’m young and there would be many more chances, but I just wanted to hear some different points and views on this topic.

I apologize I’m sure this question is asked a lot, and this post may even get taken down, I just wanted to hear some personalized advice. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond!

  1. Tell them, we all were virgins till some point in our life and you can use it as an excuse for being bad (doesn’t have to be) in bed.

    Worst case scenario would be your partner doesn’t like it but then it would be an one night stand anyways.

    If you don’t tell her you might get the “bad at sex” card.

    In the end it’s all about you and how you feel about it. I wouldn’t mind having a virgin in bed with which i can explore a bit so i wouldn’t take it as a bad trait.

  2. It could be a big turn on for someone so if you feel comfortable admitting do it. If they want to have sex with you they do it anyway

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