What was the highlight of your year?

  1. I found my birth mum and half-sister through a genealogist and DNA testing. I’m still deciding if I will contact them or not. Honestly, I don’t think that I will. Due to certain elements to the story, I feel that it won’t benefit me at all, but this newfound knowledge has given me some peace. If anything, I’ve grown even more appreciative of the people who have raised and loved me through thick and thin.

  2. It hasn’t been a good year for me. Career wise or mental health wise.

    But I bought my first pieces of furniture and appliances, so maybe that’s a win?

  3. Hitting 12 months of sobriety from alcohol in April. Rekindling with a long lost love and finally being adult enough to realize that I am worthy of true love ❤️ 2022 has been an amazing year for me personally honestly.

  4. Winning a championship, being named conference player of the year, vacationing in Greece with gf, making a 4.0 in both spring and fall semesters, expounding my artistry, moving into a place with gf, my oldest sister surprising me at a game, turning 21

  5. took a 3 week break/vacation with the love of my life and his family! the best vacation I’ve ever had.. cried so much when it ended, I puked.

  6. My bestfriend and I coming to the realisation we’re platonic soulmates, at the same time, both high on mush. Yeah, that’s my favorite day since a couple of years!

  7. This year I got involved with rescue transport and got to participate in 3 of them. It was something that was on my list of things to do and I finally made it happen.

    Next year I want to start fostering.

  8. Definitely meeting my girlfriend. She’s the best person I’ve ever met and I’m so happy every day that I get to love her.

  9. Getting a job closer to home that pays more and has a ridiculously flexible schedule/WFH and no real attire policy, with a more fulfilling mission to boot. Feeling like I’m slowly getting more control over my life and time after having a baby in 2021. My husband and I successfully climbing out of a temporary financial hardship (that lasted half the year though). Watching my toddler daughter be amazed by the world 🙂

  10. Turning 50 and getting my motorcycle license and a motorcycle! Actually rode on one as a passenger for the very first time like 4 months ago, then went for it myself. I also went to my parter’s home country and met his family, which was wonderful in many ways, but challenging- highlight because I dealt with it and learned a lot about myself and about us in the process, but it was not quite the exciting adventure I had hoped for.

  11. I met who i believe is going to be my husband December 1st. It’s already changing the story of this year for me.

  12. I have been very depressed. I had a very rough and tumultuous pregnancy this year with an unexpected baby.
    The birth of my sweet baby boy, though unexpected, was the highlight of my year.
    I didn’t know how much I needed him until he was in my arms. Im thankful and blessed to have the privilege to be his mother.

  13. Allowing my coworker to take me on a date.

    He’s since been the one rock I’ve had and he doesn’t know how important he is. Our first date was August 9th. And since then he’s been such an emotional support. My dad died, dad was/is my best friend. Add to my grandmother died. And my roommate ex got abusive with me when we were stuck in our lease. Ex has since moved out and I’m safe btw. But this guy from work has somehow made me feel less alone, and important to someone while this shit storm in my life was going on.

  14. I don’t think there was one event or moment that was the highlight. But overall I feel like I’ve done a lot of mental work this year and I feel happy for the first time in about a decade and I like who I am. It even feels so crazy and new and fresh to say that: I like who I am. Lot of work to get here. It’s really so great for just going about life day to day with a better perspective and it’s helping my relationships and I’m taking better care of myself physically too because I see my own worth. I’m entering 2023 with a lot of optimism and contentment. I’m excited for what’s to come but I’m excited to be excited for what’s to come and that is the best part, if that makes sense.

  15. Meeting new friends

    Job in film even though I lost a big opportunity essentially to get laid and go to Italy

    Honestly one of my perks was going on a really good date haha

  16. Changing to a childcare center job that actually pays a living wage AND offers amazing benefits.

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