For the past few years I’ve just felt completely devoid of emotion or human attachment, I can never connect with anyone or bring myself to talk to people. Even when I’m having fun with people and enjoying myself, the moment I leave the feeling just disappears, like it was a mask that I put on when around people and take off when alone. I’m starting to feel extremely disconnected from the rest of society, and it just feels terrible. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

  1. I don’t have any advice just wanted to say that I’m going through the same exact thing. For a while now. It feels kinda good to know I’m not the only one.

  2. I’m going through something similar to what you’re going through, update me if you know how to resolve it

  3. I’ve struggled with this for a while now as well. I’m 34, developed a very unhealthy gaming habit in my early teens that led to me avoiding society to play games all day through pretty much most of my developing social years, and have recently been really putting a magnifying glass on myself and my social skills and am wondering if I can even begin to recover from the damage I did to myself.

    I desire social connections, I desire good friends, yet when I go out to try to meet people, I feel like I want nothing to do with most of them and I end up going home and rebooting the same cycle of social avoidance.

    How did you feel socially before the last couple of years? Was there a significant event or trauma or something that changed your outlook on yourself or your social needs in life?

    As I get older and develop other areas of my life, I pretty much wish more than anything that I could go out and function regularly in social situations on a regular basis vs feeling exhausted after I go to social events and try to put on a mask that portrays me as someone who can fit in anywhere.

    I’m pretty sure my anti social nature has roots from heavy gaming growing up, but who knows, I also had a pretty bad skateboarding accident in my late teens where I fell on the pavement and hit my head, maybe something from that has played a part as well. I can at least fit in and fake the part socially, but I wish on a daily basis I could go out and form genuine connections and be part of a friendly community!

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