It might sound ridiculous to you, but it’s affecting me.

Do men care about a woman’s foot size length?
Specifically for getting into relationships.

I have big feet.. for a woman.

I’m a size 7 – 8 (UK), which converted to US size is about size 9 – 10 from what I’ve seen on Google

I feel less feminine and more masculine. Girls are supposed to have small feet, most girls do so why don’t I?

I don’t want men to see me like I’m a guy or whatever. For them to think it’s one giant flaw about me and be embarrassed about me.

I don’t want to have the same shoe size as my man. I don’t want our shoes to look almost the same sizes. It looks ridiculous in my opinion.

With my last man, he didn’t seem to mind at first, didn’t even seem to notice it. Eventually I must’ve bought up how I wished I had smaller feet and he joked saying do I want size 4 feet or something. Another time, he randomly bought up how he realised I do have big feet (I was a bit drunk and we were about to have sex), I just laughed it off and said it means I’m stronger than most girls then (I don’t actually know if this is true lool).
Another time I was with him and his friend, his friend asked me what size I am, I answered 7 and didn’t say anything after, my ex just looked at me..? And another time, about to have sex again and he goes, nice feet… (they had blisters on them from painful shoes and just generally weren’t looking nice). Made me feel shit lol.

All of the above have just hurt me and made me hella insecure and now I’m a bit scared.

I’m 5’7 btw, so not even that tall.

What do I do 😣

TIdr – I have a huge insecurity about my shoe/foot size and wondering what men think about it.

  1. Does foot size matter? I’m sure it matter to some men on some level.

    BUT on the grand list of things men care about I’d say for the best majority of men, it’s way the fk down the list of things they care about.

    Like almost no guy is gonna go damn she is fking perfect in every way imaginable but she got big feet so ima bounce. Or I’d trade her big feet for no boobs. Or flat butt or ugly face etc etc. Whatever. Lol

    Unless they have a feet fetish.

  2. You say that you don’t wanna have the same size feet as your man, to me that shows you care way too much about small things, who gives a fuck if your shoes look the same? you’re 5’7 so you’re an absolutely fine height and your feet size is absolutely fine too and you care too much about the issue because of one dickhead guy who was making shitty comments,

    The only issue would be if the guy liked small feet but I doubt they would be looking for someone 5’7 who also has small feet because thats very uncommon, trust me most guys don’t care and if you find a guy who cares they’ll probably love your feet.

    Also getting a pedicure and taking good care of them regularly might help you feel much better about them and probably help them look for feminine if thats what you want, trust me a good nail polish and some care will go absolutely long way to making you feel much better about them

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