I know I’m having a cry but it’s been a really hard day, my phone was stolen after a job rejection based on previous history. Also say my brother who has bail conditions not to see me then after I woke up from a huge nap my girlfriend had sent a hey message.

We’re going through a break and trying to make it easy, we’ve had a big relationship where she’s helped me off the streets and even had a flat with me. Plenty of fights, arguments and making up but recently she’s wanted me to support myself vice versa and I agree this would be a benefit.

After my phone was stolen I took a bus over her place where we talked about her struggles with a family member going through psychotic episodes which is really fucking worrying her. She helped me with everything and after the times it’s gone bad I felt like this time we’d really done things right.

So yeah I wake up and check find my phone about the stolen one and I see she’s at my old mate G. After a party acouple weeks ago where I hit me head and blacked out in angry fashion, he said he didn’t really fuck with us especially with my brother and family, he promptly removed us off Facebook and so. Now my girlfriends out at his house, which she doesn’t have a car and it’s quite remote, she’s given me a “hey” at 9 and when I woke up about 11 she texted “Can’t call rn” and is not seeing all my messages even though she could.

Apart of me has that thought but we’ve already been through enough to trust that girl, I’m just confused and such as to what’s going on/what to do especially if she’s drunk. If she ever cheat, that’s it I’d find somebody else, I can’t see her going through with doin that. I’d just like her to tell me what the heck going on, G has a sex streak.

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