I can’t wrap my head around why people ask “hey how’s it going?” to random strangers in this country and what’s the most non-awkward way to answer it?

  1. Depends on context.

    If it’s somewhere a conversation isn’t appropriate or desired (maybe it’s a receptionist or shop attendant or whatever) then a simple “fine, thanks” is a polite response that doesn’t need to go any further. You can then follow it with what you want “I’m looking for Mr Smith” or whatever.

    If it’s somewhere you want a conversation, this is a good opportunity to segue into conversation. “Fine thanks, excited I’m going to watch a movie this weekend” or “nervous I’ve got a job interview next week”. Or you can just bounce it back “fine thanks, you?”.

    I actually think “how’s it going” is a pretty good greeting, you just need to know how to use it as it were.

  2. 1. Stranger: good/fine, you?
    2. Acquaintance: See above but depending on whether that acquiantence is from work, school, college or a club you may want to add in something about the shared activity.
    3. Friend: Good, [insert humour, feelings or thoughts]; you?

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