Am I the only one whose introversion gets worse in the winter?

  1. Seasonal affective disorder is one of my myriad of diagnoses. It sounds fairly similar and may be worth looking into.

  2. Depending if you are also alone, Christmas add his weight to the mix.

    A couple of days off, everyone with their SO/family and you are the one alone.

  3. Yea thats exactly how I used to feel every time it got close to christmas. Something about winter is just making me feel extra lonely and it gets in my head after a while.

    This year however I’m actually doing quite well. I worked on my social anxiety a bit, improved some other aspects of mine which help me to feel comfortable with myself.

    The biggest help tho was to join some social anxiety group chat here where i could rlly talk about my problems and got a new perspective on things. The people in there are rlly nice I lost this feeling of beeing completely alone. So maybe texting your friends a bit more often might improve your mental state?

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