Well it s the first time I ever post something personal in any social media platform so I hope it can help me to overcome this
I m now 29 y 6 months away from my 30s not the best looking but im k
I ve always had this shyness problem specially with girls I ve only cold approached 1 girl in my life I ve had 4 girlfriends which I’ve meet either in school or interduced by mutual friends or I ve met online
My biggest problem is that I see a girl that I like and I sense it s mutual but I can’t do anything or should I say I really don’t know what to do
I dive deep with all these questions of should I look at her should I not and try to catch I contact but that rarely happen I ve read many psychology books and the body language says they are interested and the situation ends thier with me wondering what should I do I’ve watched another of videos and read a book about picking up
But it s not happening for me I really hope someone can help me with this it s really frustrating
I work out 5 days a week I m a dentist currently finishing my PhD
I ve tried online dating but I rarely get any matches and if I do I m not willing to put the effort as I don’t feel it real and I enjoy irl interaction and I feel it s my thing
But this shyness and anxiety is stopping and i feel that I must overcome this
So I m looking for any advice from one that has felt the same I manged to overcome this

Thanx in advance

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