Hi. I’m 21M. I’m currently going through a very tough break-up. Today marks one month since my 3 year and 7 months relationship ended. I was dumped (I won’t go into details because it’s long and mopey).

For over a month I have not touched myself. Mind you I had a very high libido. I would masturbate every night at least once in order to fall asleep and with my ex I could go for 4 rounds a day and my libido would match hers (also high).

I can’t say that I haven’t gotten horny this past month or hard. But I feel no meaning in pleasuring myself anymore. It’s emotional, I think. But only the thought of my ex arouses me anymore.

I used to fap to porn, hentai and nudes my ex sent me. The best masturbation came from nudes because I was emotionally invested.

Now I feel really empty whenever the topic of sex is brought up in conversations. I feel empty because I miss her so much both emotionally and physically.

Is the loss of my libido normal? Will it come back in time? I might add that I also feel like I don’t deserve to pleasure myself anymore if it’s not related to her.

Some advice would really help me.

  1. It’s definitely related to a mental state. Depression, anxiety and stress are a mental barrier that make a lot of people struggle with their libido.

  2. If your still talking to your ex your going to want to stop doing that for a while, it makes getting over them a lit faster.

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