What would you lay your life on the line for, as a man?

  1. My mom and dad are both dead, as are all my grandparents. I’m an only child, and I’ve never fathered a child afaik.

    So not much.

  2. My wife and kids, obviously.

    Past that, idk. Nothing much else ranks that high in importance

  3. My kids #1 (obviously) and my girl if I were to ever get one. Random shooter at a school or store. Get my family out 1st and try to reprimand the active shooter

  4. Lots of things. Even strangers. I’m old enough to know that my life has less value than others especially younger people. My kids are grown and self sufficient. Now I live just to see them develop and have families of their own.

  5. Some of my family: yes

    Some of my friends: yes

    1000 random strangers I don’t know: no

    My country: no

    Any cause that doesn’t threaten my loved ones: no

  6. My children. Now that I have my boys there’s nothing else I would protect to that level.

  7. My family. Not my relatives. Family is the choice, relatives are the people that your blood related to.

  8. Family. But, I’ve unconsciously put myself in jeopardy just knee-jerk reacting to danger for just about anyone. No causes or things are worth dying over, though.

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