So I decided to put my anxiety away and for the first time in my life approached a girl in person. I had always done the approaching online and seemed to work for me, but this particular girl wanted to be approached in person (according to what her friend told me).
Honestly I did pretty good in explaining my reasoning behind liking her. Like for sure we had never met or spoken to each other before and we are in 2 totally different school majors, but who cares mutual interest is found when you get to know someone a bit more.
Anyways, after listening to me she told me that she was not in the right state of mind and was seeing a therapist (I have been seeing a therapist since 3 years ago myself) to which I said that I was willing to give her as much time she needs and we could just keep in touch and get to know each other better, and then she said that she thought we had no mutual interest and she doesn’t think the same way as I do about her. And that she doesn’t think it was gonna change. So I just said alright that’s cool, and left after wishing her luck.
Rejection sucks, but what is really bothering me now is my insecurities about my appearance. I have done a good job in hiding it but since she rejected me I have been constantly thinking about the reason and since she didn’t even wanna get to know me better I think it must have been about my appearance.
Should I text her and ask her if it was about the way I look like? I feel really bad and do wanna know what was behind the rejection but I also don’t wanna so something stupid.

  1. Don’t text or contact her again as that would just be super awkward for everyone. No one will ever introduce you to friends again if you make it so weird

    Get your grooming and dressing advice from someone else.

    When meeting take the first no – don’t press on and make people tell you multiple times or explain their situation

  2. DO NOT TEXT HER!!!! I know being rejected sucks, especially not understanding why. Best thing you can do is just accept the fact that you two just wouldn’t work out no matter what. Doesn’t matter if it was because they weren’t attracted to you, aren’t looking for a relationship right now or any other reason. Accepting the rejection and moving on is the best thing you can do, otherwise you just seem desperate and it makes you look worse.

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