I’ve been on a few dates with a girl, I ended up making out in bed with her a few times already but last night was the first time we got naked together. I am a virgin, I couldn’t get it up but I satisfied her a few times. After a while she was sleeping and I started rubbing and caressing her leg again. More and more sensually but no more than that. I thought she was half conscious and liked it which I know is not an excuse. But then she woke up and said “wow hey what are you doing I was sleeping”. I immediately felt ashamed and disgusted about myself. I still don’t know why I thought it was a good or even acceptable idea. Then she asked how far I was planning to go if she hadn’t woken up. I would never have gone all the way but that doesn’t make any of what I did okay. I apologized a lot, she said I can’t do that anymore, I feel horrible about it, but what surprised me is she let me finish her again later that night. We still kissed and cuddled a lot but right now I feel like I did the R word and I should turn myself in.

  1. *insert flabbergasted Steve Harvey gif*

    This seems more like a vent than the need for advice. All I can see is tell her everything that happened and be prepared to get blocked.

  2. You should talk to her again and let her know how you’re feeling. It sounds like an honest mistake on your end and harmless. I’m sure she’ll calm down your thoughts of being a pianist. Besides it just sounds like you were caressing her skin after being intimate. Sounds nice to me tbfh.

  3. You rubbed and caressed her leg with you hand? Or were you humping her leg? I don’t understand what you did.

  4. Just tell her your pov, you haven’t done it intentionally, that’s not an excuse ik, but it’s def not R it’s touching her wo her consent (which u misunderstood) that’s equally wrong. Honestly communicating w her might solve the issue or make things better maybe

  5. All you did was rub her leg? Not any private areas? If you turn yourself in cops will sadly laugh at you. Just learn from the mistake and leave people alone when they’re sleeping.

  6. I think the girl is a tiny weeny bit manipulative or she was just throwing a tantrum to scare you off a bit ( which they might think as being goofy ).

    You’re good OP don’t beat yourself up over something like this

  7. Holy crap. Turn yourself in? And people really don’t see the effect that the metoo movement has on men?

    You’re fine, my dude. It was a mistake, she likely over reacted, and quite honestly, probably isn’t the one for you. You don’t want to be with someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells. Miserable existence.

  8. Sounds like you possibly have a mental block on performing. Go try a tantric massage or something, that might sort you out.

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