I’m sorry for the formatting I’m on mobile

Last night my (19m) gf (19f) started crying after we started having sex. She had finished twice before we started and when we started about a minute in I noticed that she looked uncomfortable or like she wasn’t enjoying it so I stopped and asked if everything was okay and then she started crying. When I finally got her to calm down she told me that she felt really distant from me and that she didn’t want to be with me in the moment and she tried to reassure me that that’s not how she actually feels and said she doesn’t know why she would think that or feel that way and ended up crying even more and apologising heaps but I don’t know what to think about this. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Idk I’m just trying to wrap my head around this I guess. We’ve been dating for a year and a half now

TLDR: gf started crying during sex and told me that in the moment she felt distant and like she didn’t want to be with me

  1. Oh sorry this has happened to you both. I’ve cried because I realised how much I loved him, or I was disgusted with myself. Good on you for stopping and talking about it.

  2. Sex releases a lot of neurochemicals and hormones that alter emotions and thoughts so try to talk about it sometime away from the bedroom. I wouldn’t panic though, I’ve said some weird/rude things I didn’t mean during sex or right after.

  3. Take what she said at face value, she couldnt properly express what she meant and that was what she came up with.

    Sex can fuck with the brain quite a bit, especially if its good sex its not uncommon for women to feel emotionally overwhelmed and can’t handle it to the point where the only natural reaction is to cry. Sort of in the sense of crying from being happy etc etc.

    But of course its entirely possible thats not the case and could be something was bugging her for awhile and it finally came out during sex. Basically no one on reddit is going to have the answer for you because we’re not in her head. So again, take it at face value and make sure to set aside some time where you can both talk about it in a non confrontational way. Where you can let her know you’re not mad or hurt, just confused and just wanna know what was up if shes had some time to think about it.

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