How old were you when you met the friends whom you are closest to?

  1. 18 Years old. Freshman year of college. Had good friends since, but didn’t maintain those relationships like the ones from college.

  2. Hmmm, 17, 24-25, 31-33…I obviously have trouble remembering the exact year as I met lifelong friends later in life.

    I’m also assuming it’s friends that are still alive. There’s a bunch I met from 18-22 that are dead and most died a couple decades ago with the last one from that time period just a few weeks ago.

  3. 14-15. I met my best friend when I was 14. I met my wife when I was 15. I’ve made friends since then, but no one I’m as close with as those two.

  4. Middle school. Just moved to a new town after making my first cadre of decent friends in late elementary. Taken in by a somewhat loose group of friends that turned into a close group through high school.

    Now 20+ years later still my closest friends, with a few more additions along the way.

  5. I have a friend group that I am close with from growing up (I am now 36 for context) –

    the first of them it was legit down the road so basically baby playdates; a few others from elementary/middle school

    I have an adult friend group with a few people from around 8 or 9 years ago through a prior work place (my mid/late 20s).

  6. 27 (currently 30). Met them online playing D&D. That being said I’ve recently been getting back in touch with some old high school friends who I used to be very close with so who knows.

  7. 16-18. I’ve made friends since but definitely not as deep a connection as with the people I met at the end of high school.

  8. A good chunk at 14-15 in high school, a few at 18-21 when I was in college, and another few from my last job in my late 20s.

  9. 8-10, 15-23. Seems like most of the answers here are from younger years in school. It’s a little disappointing to see it’s so common to have few lifelong close friendships that are established once you reach adulthood.

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