I have been with my husband for 12 years and I am having a hard time to cope with the things that I found out. We been living in NJ for almost 4 years. Since we been living out her he has been hanging out at the bar on his days off. I had notice that he has been on his phone alot and there was a particular day during covi we was suppose to go with him to NY now remind you all the time we left to go to NY he would say I don’t care how I look ain’t know one going to see me. So this day he gaslight me and the kids and said no we are not going with him and gave a poor excuse why the children should stay. So me and the children stayed back. But before he left he shape his bread and but on his best sweat outfit he made sure he had looked good. So come to find out he was picking up this girl from the bar he has been talking to since before we moved into our new home of June 2019. He took her to New York and taking her around. Now remind you I didn’t know this women or her name yet. So as months went by something told me to check his phone he did not program her name in the phone it was just her number. He is a married man and I saw how he was telling her that he love her how he wants to eat her out and how he wants to be with her. So in April of 2021 he started to bring me around to the bar finally. So I met all of his friends including her remind you I did not know yet it was her he was talking to. So he kept up this relationship with the girl that works at the bar. He was talking to her everyday like he does with me. He would lie to me and say he is going to sleep and to come to find out he was rushing me off the phone to talk to her this has continued to go on and the text message has gotten more inappropriate. I found out I was pregnant in June. This women would smile in my face and everything. The thing that hurt me was he was talking bad about me to her. So October 2 we was hanging out and we went to the bar where she works at and hung out. She came by me smiling and rubbing my belly. When that happen I knew something was not right. Everything he use to do with me he stop and do it with her. So on October 3rd I check his phone and discovered the name and found out it was the bartender he was in love with I read her name. I cry so bad and could not believe this shit.i was truly hurt and I was scrubbing my belly so much because I could not believe this chick touch me knowing she messing with my husband. I confront Him About it and he told me I should not believe everything that I read because it’s not what it seems and it’s not like that. So he continues to lie to me and I felt alone during my whole pregnancy. When she text him he goes running when I ask him to come to appointments it’s he is tried. So behind my back he is still talking to her and seeing her until this day. He been seeing her for 3 years now. We had a conversation two weeks ago and put everything out on the table and I let him know what he did broke me. But he said it would not broke you if you did not go through my phone. I thought everything was good now. But it’s not he went to her bat Thursday and drove her home after i told him I did not like that. Then he went to the bar on Saturday left the bar at 2:11am but didn’t come home until 3:33am and said the bar open late. He lied he had her in the cat drove to the shell gas station and was there for 51mintutes then drove her home then came home to me then wanted to make love. He is never going to stop. Pleaaase help me to understand is it going to get better will he change or what should I do?

  1. It obvious isn’t going to get better?? I’m leaning towards thinking you’re a troll based on that last sentence. On the off chance this is real though, no, he’s not going to change. Why would he? You’ve proven you’ll stand by and that you can’t/won’t really stop him other than begging him to not. They are literally laughing at you and have been flaunting their relationship to your FACE. He didn’t have to introduce yall but he did, with both of them knowing the deal. It was intentional. What you need to do is leave when it’s possible. If you have family or friends you can stay with, do it, find financial stability if you don’t have it, and screw him out of his finances since he’s going to ditch you and the kids anyways. It might take time depending on your situation but ultimately you need him gone. Do not delude yourself into thinking that staying together is better for the kids either. This is a toxic environment and the longer you stay the more embedded in this toxic environment your kids will be.

  2. You do not deserve to be treated like this. No one does.

    It doesn’t sound like he cares to change. He is not the man you thought he was. He will not magically turn into who you want/need him to be.

    Take your power back. Read Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life. Start working on an exist plan. Visit a lawyer to figure out your options. Get tested for STDs. See about individual counseling. Look into grey rock and the 180. Detach emotionally from him.

    You can get through this if you take action.

  3. He will not change if there are no consequences to his actions. You deserve a partner who treats you with respect and compassion

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