I’m 21 from the UK and got a decent-ish job and I am saving up. I have goals and targets I would like to meet. I live with both parents and pay my Board but can still save alot.1 goal is to buy a house whilst I still live with parents and I know I can do it.

My girlfriend of 3 years is pissed off that I have other ambitions that don’t include her and this is a big one. The problem is tho she cannot save even if her life depended on it. She says im selfish and should think about our future yet she doesn’t actually show any action but is pushing me to decide what I what route I wanna take

Can anyone give advice

  1. What exactly does she want you to do? What ambitions should include her? Has she presented an idea of what you should be working towards? Keep saving for your house and ask her what she wants re planning, unless you’ve already had that discussion. If she can’t save, I’d advise her that her best bet is to start learning how to do that as I can’t plan with someone who doesn’t save. Whilst you’re both young, she needs to start doing the basics if she wants to build on something…unless she wants to rely on you, which is problematic

  2. Time to cut her loose, she has no future with you if she only wants you to concentrate on her without prioritizing your tomorrow,if it persist cut her loose

  3. The question is ,as you sacrificing for her n yourself what part is she playing in your life that is the vital question minus love.

  4. Well as much as you need advice you already got the answers,let her mess up for you to move on or let her shape up for the both of you to move in together,let her choose her move just play safe.

  5. You not wrong, could be age is a factor too n the way one has been brought up ,at the end of day don’t confuse yourself.

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