Recently I (20m) have been struggling a lot with feeling attracted to my bf (24m) and it’s starting to really mess with my head. Initially I thought it was just me adjusting to my sex drive returning and circumstances making it feel more natural to use porn as a sexual outlet rather than him. We are long distance and he has not been sexualising me. But we discussed that and have been actively more sexual towards eachother and had a great experience the other night that felt very affirming to what i thought – that i needed to be sexualised more to feel that sex appeal from him and more importantly towards him.

But i’m still feeling off, granted it’s been a few days- but for example he just sent me a few nudes and before i’d be all over him, finding him the most hot person to walk the earth, but along with not invoking any sexual arousal if anything the video he sent (basically being teasing) lowkey made me cringe and i found myself skipping it, purely because the last thing i want to do is feel and act that way towards my boyfriend being vulnerable and sexual.

I’m bisexual and have been having a lot of cravings to sleep, kiss etc a girl lately (not a specific girl just general) but it’s very strong and almost feels like a need.

I wouldn’t really say we have any sexual chemistry anymore but it’s important to note this year has brought a lot of loss and grief and stress for us both and i’ve mostly been a shell of myself.

My preference is 90% girls 10% guys, however i do class him as part of that 10% but his body has changed physically recently and whilst it still is attractive to me it no longer fits my ‘preferable/strong atttraction’ look, which scares me thag perhaps it’s a physical thing out of my control. Please note i’m not shallow in the slightest it took me until last year to even realise I could have a physical preference as i always date for personality.

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