Using my throwaway account for obvious reasons.

Essentially, for years now I’ve been struggling with a low sex drive. When I was at uni I was like an animal, and now I don’t know what’s happened. Whenever I make small changes there’s a brief period where my sex drive returns again but then it always slowly dissipates. To give some examples: when I split with my ex my sex drive returned, I had a good few months, met my current partner with whom I was having the best sex of my life, and then suddenly my sex drive tanked again. I had been blaming my low sex drive on my ex and I not being compatible but this definitely isn’t the case with my new partner. I then started to think maybe my birth control was having an effect, so I came off the pill. For about a month I was feeling like a new person and super horny, but now it’s been a few months and my sex drive is again gone. I’m at the point where I can’t even make myself cum, let alone manage focusing through a whole sexual act with my partner. Porn I used to enjoy does nothing for me. I feel so bad because my partner is lovely and so patient with me, but what kind of relationship hardly ever has sex, surely he wants more than this long term (it’s what I would want). When I’m horny I love sex and I don’t understand why I’m like this, it’s so frustrating and upsetting.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice on what could be wrong or what I can do to try and improve things would be amazing.

  1. Quit porn altogether and start exercising if you don’t already.

    Quitting porn will make you way hornier, and the only outlet will be your partner.

    Working out will increase your libido. I don’t know how or why, but it just does.

    Best of luck 🙂

  2. Exercise. (cardio or strength)



    Avoid caffeine.

    Avoid processed sugars.

    Avoid visual porn (reading or writing your own is fine)

    Avoid fapping.

  3. It took my body like 6 months after getting off birth control before my normal state of horniness came back. You may just need more time. Also reading erotic books helps lol

  4. Many factors can come in play in sex drive.

    Are your low sex drives periodically over the same seasons each year ?
    Are you depressed and/or under medication ?
    Are you taking drugs ?
    Are you at ease in your life ?

    All of these tend to affect sex drive to various degrees. This was already mentioned but I would talk to a doctor if I were you.

    Edit : on the bright many relationships hardly have sex and still works.

  5. See someone who can help with balancing your hormones. It sounds like they’re out of whack. This will explain your ups and downs

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