I have really big problem with my sexual activity i want sex every day for 6 times also that gives me dopamine and helps me with my depression my partner is sexual guy too or he isn’t in the mood sometimes and we don’t have it everyday but like how can i fix that i’m constantly horny or when i see my partner i want him just aggressive to rail me

  1. High libido life can be difficult. It is something you have to manage if it is as high as you state. There is nothing wrong with you and being attracted to your partner like you say is a good thing. as a HLM (High Libido Male) living with a partner with a much lower libido I can recommend a couple things.

    1. talk to your partner about your needs and wants without judging him. be mindful he may take it as he is not satisfying you or not fulfilling your needs so remember to show that is not the case.
    2. see how if he will mind helping you out during your times of need without having sex. foreplay, he helps you play with yourself, maybe uses a toy on you.
    3. ask about if he is ok with yourself play when he is around or is ok with you having some alone time…
    4. consider checking out another subreddit for HL people r/HLCommunity has many that are HL but live with LL partners. It can be hard to read some days but others you pick up some great ideas or at least know that others face the same issues you do and you’re not alone.

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