For literally no reason at all, I have horrible trust issues. The only logical reason I can think of is that I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety which might be the cause, but I don’t know.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months and I’m suspicious of every single thing he does.

Home from work late? He’s cheating

He moves his phone away from me? He’s hiding something

He doesn’t want to have sex? He’s getting it from somewhere else

I hate it because my own thoughts and suspicions put me in horrible moods which in turn makes me act unfairly towards him, and he doesn’t deserve it

My own mind gets the better of me and I’m sick of it. We’ve gotten into multiple arguments over my behaviour towards him, when I’m being quiet and can’t bring myself to talk to him because I’ve warped my perception of him and made myself believe he’s done something wrong when he hasn’t done anything at all.

  1. Maybe he is cheating tho? Ime trust your gut. If you felt loved appreciated valued, you wouldn’t have trust issues. I’d look thru his phone texts, call logs, social app private messages, and work email. It’s just better to know. If there really is nothing, then hopefully it’ll help you relax about it. And def start counseling to figure out where the feeling coming from.

  2. This is a deep rooted issue OP, and I’d recommend reaching out to a therapist if you can, or someone with professional experience dealing with these issues. Given that you’re struggling to find out the answer on your own, having a conversation with someone experienced could potentially help.

    Also, have you spoken to him about the fact you have trust issues? In an environment where there’s no tension, and you can honestly speak to each other?

    I’d say if it gets worse in the long run, and it’s affecting both of you in terms of mental health, it might be wise to take a break from a relationship. A lot of the time, being single and having time to reflect on stuff like this can do wonders for your growth.

    Ultimately, it seems like you really want to tackle this, so I wish you all the best in doing so!

  3. Honestly? I don’t think you’re going to have to deal with this very much longer. You’re already fighting about it, and it’s only been 6 months. He will likely end things very soon.

    Please seek therapy. You need to get help for this issue.

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