
I enjoy giving random compliments to people but I don’t know how to go about this particular type of compliment.

There’s a dude in my uni classes who has a “great aura”, you feel peaceful and lighthearted when you look at him. I realise this can sound creepy and I don’t want to sound like I want to extract his organs from his body, or like I’m flirting. (I’m f and we only say hello or briefly talk about classes related matters).

Is it a good idea to tell people that sort of stuff ? How would you do it ?

Thanks !

  1. Aura sounds weird you can just be like I really like your vibe its peaceful and relaxing. I have been told something along the lines 18m and Its not creepy at all

  2. I think it’s okay to give that kind of compliment. I would converse with him first and then when it feels right you can compliment him. Just make sure it’s coming from a genuine place.

  3. I love giving that compliment—it’s one of the best in my opinion because not many people are captivating in that way.

    I suppose I don’t mind sounding a little strange, I take the risk haha

    Usually it will be in conversation, but I will say something along the lines of “you have such a great energy” , “I noticed you when I walked into the room because your eyes look so clear and alive” or “You have a presence that is so calming” and then perhaps go into conversation about how so few people emit that sort of energy and go from there.

    If he seems weirder out, it probably just because he hasn’t heard that before or he may be uncomfortable with himself in conversing. But know that it will make him feel really good and flattered even if it doesn’t seem that way.

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