I recently met this girl who, and found out she liked me soon after. After talking with he for a couple of weeks the idea of dating popped up, I felt pressured to ask her to be my girlfriend, to which she said yes and became very excited, but I was instantly hit with a wave of guilt and shame. Because my feelings were no where near as strong as hers. I like her, but I still feel like I’m just getting to no her, where as she is In the border obsession phase.

She is also very much the jealous type, asking me about other girls and what I think about them. I feel like this will inevitably become a serious problem because I have a lot of female friends.

I see her once or twice a week, but she becomes irritated when I don’t text her atleast every few hours.

I regret jumping into things so fast. I don’t want her to think that I’m playing games or wasting her time for selfish reasons, but I feel like that is kinda what I’m doing. I’m hoping that as time goes on I can match her energy, but right now I’m worried cause I’m still not totally sure how I feel.

It sucks cause I don’t want to lose her, but I’m worried that this difference in emotional investment is something that we will not be able to overcome?

Any advice or ideas on how to proceed with the situation would be appreciated.

  1. I see a lot of red flags (her moving too fast and jealousy + your second guessing all the decisions yove made so far). Dont stay with her out of guilt.

    In any case, tell her that the relationship is moving too fast for you and you aren’t ready yet to get so serious. Then watch for her behavior issues to see if those red flags come up for you.

  2. You should probably leave and not look back. For one, if the relationship starts off on a rocky footing, it’ll end badly. If you’re gonna start a relationship, make sure you start on solid ground. At some point in time, you may be able to revisit the possibility of getting back together, but my best advice right now is to run the other direction and get out of that relationship

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