Some background: I (F) have a few casual partners, he (M37) is married but she is very aware of us and kept in the loop (I am not involved with her.) It’s mostly been fun, standard stuff.

We Roleplay the cheating thing (which she knows about, she likes it) and it’s very hot. She doesn’t join in or watch or anything but it keeps their dynamic spicy too.

A week ago he shared with me that he might enjoy degradation but not me. His wife (she consents.) He isn’t really sure exactly what he wants or how but the idea excites him and I am game to try but no clue where to begin. I think the idea is to verbally “acknowledge” he prefers me and “dislikes” her and stuff like that… Not as a primary form of play but incorporate it here and there. He also enjoys the idea of cumming on her things and clothes and stuff (lol again, with her consent hahaha.) He is a bit shy about it, I think he only mentioned it because we feel very safe with one another (and safe with her as well.)

I need help! What would I even look up? Is there a term for that? What sort of things could I say? How could I initiate it? What could I ask him to do to “prove” himself to me?

(This isn’t a long term romantic partner so I’m not overly interested in psycho analyzing where this comes from- I know she is cool with it. I met her. We have talked. So please no yucks or advice to leave or whatever. I just need help playing his fantasy out.)

Editing to add: we’re mostly sexting/video/photo/phone though we do meet in person also. Just a bit of distance between us usually.

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