I just started masturbating and i have a couple questions if thats ok

1) is it okay for me to ejaculate twice in the same day? its only been 2 hours since i last finished and im already horny again

2) is there a way (without tissues) for me to prevent getting cum on my clothes / pc

3) can i use a cumsock twice without washing it?

  1. Been a decade or so but I’ll tell what I remember from my youth.

    Go as many times as you want in a day. My record at 15 years old was over 20 times in a single day. You will be fine. Try to go easy though, you can get sore if you play too often too quickly.

    Sometimes I only waited 5 minutes before going again. You recover quickly if you are young.

    Showers make for easy clean up, hair conditioner is an acceptable lubricant though not ideal. A towel works well for cleanup. An old shirt that you won’t wear anymore. I never used tissue, too messy for me.

    Could you use it twice? Yes. Should you? No. It will likely add a funk to your room that you won’t notice. Plus hygiene issues, among other concerns. Buy more socks if this method is working for you. Also, start doing your own laundry if you don’t already. Don’t set yourself up for an awkward conversation if someone else does your laundry.

  2. Cum as many times in a day as your body allows.

    TP and hid your evidence down the toilet when you need to go. just do not make it too big to plug the toilet

    sock is evidence that others will find one day

  3. Lol, it’s fine if it doesn’t affect your life negatively. If it does, then you’re probably struggling with addiction.

    If you want to masturbate often, use silicone lube. Just clean it up well because it will mess up your keyboard and mouse (dissolves some of the rubber parts). But it’s the best IMHO. I can masturbate once dry, but after that I get sore without lube. And water based lube dries out too fast. Also, cum into TP and throw it in the toilet. No cumsocks.

    Go watch The Social Dilemma. Consider this– masturbating and porn are fine, in general, but they are a dopamine hit and a shitty alternative to the “pleasure” you get from regular relationships (friendships, romantic or not). It’s like a cheap alternative to a better thing. So if you’re lacking the better thing, you can compensate by masturbating and looking at porn. It’s a useful coping mechanism, but it can get dysfunctional. So go get help if you feel like you’re falling into dysfunction.

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