i know ppl say their partner deserves better if they’re not interested in them. when i asked her why she thought i deserved better she kept dodging the question. but im so confused since she said she loves me so much. she only says stuff like this over the phone with me, when she’s alone and overthinking things. but when she’s with me she acts so nice and flirty, showering me with gifts, acting like nothing is wrong. she constantly wants to be with me, wants me to do things with her and her family, etc. there are so many mixed signals rn and i’m not sure what i should do anymore. i really love her and i have just been telling her she’s been overthinking things, bc her actions don’t match her words. i’m scared to confront her about these mixed signals in person bc i don’t want to cause a rift, i am not confrontational at all and i just want to be the easy-going type and make her feel comfortable and happy.

is she just bluffing, genuinely not interested in me, or does she actually think she is not good enough for me? could she just be confused since the relationship is pretty new, and she is inexperienced (i’m her first) and unsure of what she wants?

tl;dr gf said she is not happy in the relationship/thinks i deserve better over the phone, but when with me is super happy/comfortable, and all over me. don’t know how to confront her about mixed signals, and don’t know what any of this means

1 comment
  1. I think you deserve better is not a problem with u but a problem with her. Its not that shes not intrested in u but she has problems with ur self image. Ive been on both sides of this with a gf who felt she doesnt deserve me and feeling like my gf deserves better. She just needs some reassurance from u that she is ur dream girl and no one can be better than her.

    And from that i think ur tldr is a bit mis leading. U kinda understand it a bit as she says this when shes alone and overthinking but not thinking abt breaking up with u but hating herself for not being good enough for u

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