I noticed that people tend to like me way more when i laugh at every single one of their jokes or pretty much anything at all. People used to call me dumb for it but once i grew up it seems that people like that about me. I laugh at everything cause i get pretty nervous around people and it helps me feel more comfortable.

Honestly i find people who laugh loudly all the time over nothing a bit dumb as well, even though this is extremely hypocritical of me. I was wondering whether or not being someone who laughs really easily makes someone more likeable, or does it only make someone look stupid which is why people enjoy being around them (like a party-girl sort of thing?)

  1. It really depends.
    If the people you are with a surface level acquaintances you don’t see often, then they’ll think your happy, jovial, positive.
    If they’re people you hang with regularly, they’ll get sick of it fast. Plus, people who laugh at everything can be perceived as insincere and fake. That you laugh at anything can be seen as you’re not paying attention.

  2. I don’t think it’s laughing alone as per say. But we do tend to like those who like us much more than those who appear to be neutral zoned. So if someone shows that they like us (of which genuinely laughing at someone’s joke is a part), they will like you that much more.

  3. People have a good bullshit detector – if someone laughs at everything rather than responding authentically, it feels a bit off or weird.

  4. No it will make you annoying as. Nothing wrong with laughing but at everything you will look like an psyco

  5. People are attracted to happy people, and people who make them feel good about themselves. If you laugh at their attempts to be funny, they will be more attracted to you because you make them feel good about themselves.

    If you laugh at them when they are not trying to be funny, or if you laugh at anything and everything, it will make them feel unsure about you because even though you come off as a happy person ( = positive) you also come off as kind of an airhead/fake.

  6. i think it only comes off as dumb if you ONLY laugh, as in you aren’t contributing anything to the conversation just laughing at what other people say. if you laugh and also make jokes then i think it’s fine

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