I’ve never really felt comfortable with a guy going down on me because I’ve always felt self-conscious. But I want the current guy that I’m having sex with to go down on me. How do I ask? I thought he would get the hint when I told him I was going to shave. He has fingered me before a little.

  1. If you’re comfortable with it, tell him you want him to taste you.

    Or just command him to go down on you.

    If you want to be less direct then just push his head down next time you’re making out.

    You just gotta read your man.

  2. What does he say when he wants head? Do the exact same. But communication is very important in any situation. So tell him.

  3. Does he know about your insecurities? If so he’s keeping to respect you and your boundaries, which is always a good sign. So bring it up in a conversation with him before you have sex. “Hey, until now I felt insecure about this, but I’m so comfortable with you that I want you to eat me out.” Let’s see how he reacts then. But usually men are really down for this.

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