Hello everyone. I’m a young adult that wants to improve his social skills as goal for this new year 2023 and was wondering what kind of actions, attitudes and behaviors can make a person unbearable and rejected by everyone around them?

  1. Pessimism – Some people always have to see the “bad” outcome of something someone says. This can get annoying even when it’s said jokingly or in good faith. “Oh I just got a new car!” “Man the payments gotta suck on that haha” It’s doesn’t sound too bad as a one off between friends but just imagine every single thing you say someone’s gotta remind you of the bad. I know people like this, they exist.

    Know it all / Always gotta be right – *Well ackchyually*. I was guilty of this a long time ago and it can often go hand in hand with my first point. It can be a big issue if you live and breath internet like I did. Ignorance is a bliss. If it’s not hurting anyone, just let it go or ask them questions about the topic even if you “know more”. People don’t like being proven wrong all the time, and even if you are not actually “proving them wrong”, it can feel that way.

  2. not being an active listener, it’s really important to pay attention to what people are saying, asking, sharing, before even thinking of a response.

    also, trying to speak too much may turn people off and make it seem like you don’t care about what they have to say. let people get their complete thoughts out before responding.

    I think different tendencies and traits are unbearable or bothersome to some and not others so just focus on listening and go from there

  3. If somebody isn’t talking or texting you back for whatever reason, don’t keep messaging them. Don’t message them things like “I hope I am not bothering you” or “sorry if I am bothering you”. Don’t text a long paragraph about how emotionally affected you are in response to them not texting you. Simply put, never ever beg or chase somebody to respond to you. It doesn’t work. People see exactly what you are doing, and they will be less inclined to respond to you and label you as needy, clingy, and desperate. They will subconsciously deduce you are lonely, obsessed with them, and possibly into them as more than friends. In short, they lose respect for you. People are hardwired to be repulsed by people who are needy, clingy, and desperate for attention and validation. Instead, people gravitate towards somebody who is self confident, brings positive energy and vibes, and is well rounded enough to not depend on their attention or validation.

    Friendships are not codependent relationships. Just as people have other things going on in life, so should you. Also, People make time and effort for whom they want to make time and effort for. People start to naturally recognize, value, and appreciate you when there is something respectable about you. It doesn’t happen when you chase and beg. If anything, chase excellence, not people !

  4. Being the “one-upper”. I cannot stand this kind of behaviour anymore. Very off-putting to say the least.

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